my main issue with this game is how obnoxiously boring it is to try to get a high legend level i just wanna be able to punch things better but other than that i have alot of fun any time i come back to this game especially with friends or when the super knockback mode is enabled

biggest problem with this game is its story, after the first palace it dips heavily in quality and doesn't really pick back up again.

the combat is fun though because of how extremely easy it is to completely break it with the tools provided

id say this game's gameplay is about on par with smt 4/apocalypse while the story feels about as meh as nocturne overall though had an amazing time going through it

over hated but still wasn't as bad as people make it out to be, decent story and fine combat (a bit too slow at the start)

zer is no change in ze plan

good game but got pretty repetitive in the 2nd half and the story wasn't anything notable in my opinion

would be 5 stars if it weren't for devil may cry 2