2 reviews liked by ChuntMcDunt

Simultaneously the most bored and most fun i've had in a game in a while. The Eikon fights are spectacular, but the normal boss fights are easy and boring. The side quests are genuinely horrible, but 5 of them have whole cutscenes and important (and really well written) story which it does not tell you and doesn't separate them from the rest. The cutscenes are amazing. And then you get to watch models look at each other for 2 hours before another cutscene comes on. The combat looks amazing, but gets repetitive and boring fast, and also has a lack of depth compared to the gameplay directors other work.

While I feel I enjoyed it more than I didn't, I can't say it was by a lot. If you pick this up, please ignore a majority of the side quests and just focus on the story.

WELL, another sacred cow down. I never had a Playstation so I never experienced games like this, but Metal Gear Solid is inescapable if you spend even a second in any nerd space. A friend of mine said I should finally buckle down and play it and so I did!

I absolutely gosh dang LOVE the way this game looks. It just feels like home in that way. I love it to death--and all the little details. It's adorable. It's cute. It's incredibly charming. It's funny and it's at times genuinely emotionally affecting. On all of those fronts it's a home run for me.

On the gameplay front though, I could not be more nonplussed. I more or less detest stealth mechanics, so I was never going to enjoy that aspect of it. I hated the backtracking (thank god I had a fast forward option in Retroarch) and I was annoyed at the bosses. From a mechanical perspective this game was just one billion percent Not For Me.

But all that said, I had a lovely time. I absolutely understand how this was so influential.