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Final Fantasy XVI is a fantastic game, not perfect, not the best game ever. But is bloody brilliant to play. However some glaring issues that may just be my uninventiveness very much left me flat when I finished and not in the "what do I do not kind of way".

I achieved 100% completion of FFXIV, I completed every hunt. I grazed through every fetch quest and and go kill this group side quest so I can't say I didn't enjoy myself. HOWEVER I don't think what I was doing was fun after a certain point.

The game started off so strong. Up until the end of Clive obtains Odin. The last act of the game drops off a cliff so hard it much like its influence of Game of Thrones made me lose all interest. But I STILL SPENT HOURS gathering everything and fighting slightly stronger enemies then the others. So how do I feel about this game? I have had one week and still am unsure.

The gameplay is phenomenal Ryota Suzuki does such an amazing job on making the combat enjoyable and making me want to get straight to the next battle, so much so that it outweighs everything else I am about to say, if you enjoyed this game then great so did I.................... BUT I believe Naoki Yoshida vision was lost somewhere throughout the games long and expensive development and the cracks started leaking.

My largest gripe is more a pet peeve, and I'm sorry if you thought what I was saying sounded like it was coming from a thorough and well spoken individual because WHY THE FUCK DOES CLIVE WALK SO SLOW. WHY CAN I COMPLETELY MISS AMBROSIA AND WHY DOES IT DISAPPEAR AFTER EVERY BATTLE. I sincerely believe I spent more time on my final grind on my phone on the back of Ambrosia then actually doing anything, which is such a shame because the world is beautiful and I feel as if I wasn't intrigued to go anywhere unless there was a marker in place there.
My other gripe is with the writing of characters. Not the A Plot but the B Plot that follows every character, Especially with Jill. Kazutoyo Maehiro is a talented artist, with a very important and packed folio. However his weakest skill is his writing, this can especially be seen with his characters and their conclusions I would specifically like to talk about two of such. Jill Warwick

Mass Effect 3 shows that with proper care and support a well fleshed out adventure spanning three games can continue to grow and be beloved by fans.
Mass Effect 3 did not receive such treatment and its an absolute shame that the EAfication of the franchise also produces some of its biggest flaws, It was already difficult to follow up ME2 however everytime the game takes 2 steps forward in plot, goofy "lets keep up with COD and Gears of War" gameplay spoils it

However the games biggest disappointment is its final mission.
You spend 30 hours building and developing an army to take on the reapers back on earth but where are they? With proper care and love the final mission could have been the greatest and most memorable moment in end game. WE SHOULD HAVE had our "Endgame" moment but unfortunately it doesn't land.
This however does not take away from the rest of the plot closing with so much satisfaction ill be thinking of them and comparing them with every other product for a long time

Mass Effect 2 is the best in the trilogy hands down and even today is still a blast to play through and somehow attracted me (someone with the attention span of a goldfish) into every single corner of its world.

Mass Effect is THE definitive gaming experience for anyone who wishes to expand their understanding of the medium and shows that with care and passion a wonderous, expansive universe can be created that both sparks creativity and imagination whilst blending its Action RPG gameplay with fleshed out player agency that only bioware are able to pull off, Which in nearly every major plot beat has a satisfying or horrific pay off.

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Was able to kill a racist in the most violent way and keep a violent mercenary alive and convincing him to doom his entire species and get laid all on the same day
9/10 the MAKO can go **** itself