Snatcher 1992

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Amazing graphics and art style, with an engaging plot.
Good music and pretty cool voice acting, fitting of any 90's sci-fi movie.
But it feels like you are trying to find combinations of options to make the game realize you know what you need to do, instead of going directly to the solution. In some instances you feel like a detective, but a lot of times you are more like "lets see how to tell the game to advance by clicking on all the options available 'till it realizes where we need to go", which sometimes requires to press an option several times to make it work, becoming all the process even more unintuitive. Very often I had to look for a walkthrough just to realize I ignored an insignificant "LOOK" or "INVESTIGATE" at some point and thus, the game just won't let me go on.
Cool game from an artistic perspective, and also THAT opening. But gameplay can be tricky, making you doubt of what you already know.
Also Seed is a real dick. I rather be the little robot buddy than him.