i played this game for at least 7k hours on various expansions, on classic, retail and on several private servers. this game has me by the balls since i was 8 and unless i resub at least once a year, satan kotick will eat my firstborn and kill random blizzard employee. can't have blood of anyone on my hands.

on serious note tho, current state of the game is painfully mediocre. imho if you want to play wow:
- go play wrath classic cataclysm classic or wrath private servers
- vanilla classic (hc or not, up to you)
- don't, run away and never look back because this game will consume your lifespan.

"tell ya wot 'is game was coded by an ogryn" ~ my friend after crashing out 3 times in the prologue

the core gameplay is fine but the rest of it feels like devs attempting to imitate orkish engineering and just hoping that their mental strength alone will make the servers and the rest of this mess hold up. also they should increase blocklist limit or let us disable crossplay, every single person from xbox that i've played with was an absolute glue eater.

definitely the worst game in the series, really buggy and janky without SRP (which i played without, i prefer my games unmodded for honest experience) and the last gauntlet might be the worst gaming experience i had displeasure of going through.

While still amazing, you can definitely feel it's age when playing. Also the artifacts are either too weak or too powerful, nothing in between and they are given out by the game like they are candy or sth, definitely prefer how they were done in subsequent entries.

it's a pretty terrible fighting game with wack artstyle, bad gameplay and obnoxious dev. on top of that it's pretty much dead at this point because there are just far better alternatives to whatever fantasy strike tried to do.


this game is awful, the combat is somehow worse than gothic's, the bugs and crashes were semi-frequent as it is with piranha games and somehow this game is so badly coded that it is geniunely faster to alt+f4, restart the game and load in the last save than to just load quick save.

peak jank rpg of 2000s with terrible controls, mediocre voice acting and ugly as sin... still love the game and replay it every so often because of how good it is.

ugly as sin, plays like dogshit but still great.


The game is an absolute beauty until act 4 during which the game becomes a boring dungeon crawler. Also the game despite the update, is still filled to the brim with bugs and inconsistencies, and it's really prone to crashes. That and act 4 being pain made me drop the game indefinitely.

geniunely fun as fuck, shelved until full release

this game is a result of acid induced intercourse between morrowind and king's field. can't judge the game for what it is yet because it's in an early access but the foundation of it looks really promising. that being said, the dread xp is spreading their manpower into multiple projects at the same time making completion of dread delusion at best - very far away into the future, or at worst - unlikely.

buy it at your own risk

once a decent game, now a piece of steaming dogshit destroyed by it's own creator who is geniunely mentally ill and should stay way from game dev.

woah, half the content for almost the same price? what a bargain! don't bother. the released strikes are shit, the zones are boring, metas are boring and weapon mastery shit threw wrench into the game's balance making everything powercreeped to the point where you won't be able to keep up without it.

Had high hopes for it but it ended up being quite disappointing outside of strikes being quite decent despite me not liking them.