Good game with crispy movement and animations that suffers from fucked up difficulty, lack of saving mid run (if Gunfire Reborn can do it, so can Roboquest.) and overall really boring upgrades, that make it so you aren't sure whether the RNG fucked you over at the end of a failed run or whether RNG blessed you with an amazing run.

Also due to the amount of clutter and bright lights this game has, I always end a run with a massive headache.

All in all if somebody asked me for a good fps roguelike, I would probably not recommend Roboquest over Gunfire Reborn unless they wanted something movement heavy.

this game has completely ruined my taste in women

Servicable incremental game but if you have motion sickness, stay away. Even if you turn off the screenshake, the stage effects are fucking AWFUL at times. (sun and uranium stage in particular)

Never quite got the appeal of it despite loving grindy games. something about having to wait for few hours to craft something or pay to speed it up on top of low drop rates made me dislike the game quite alot in comparison to other games like it. I understand that it has to be this way due to it being F2P but it doesn't change the fact that this aspect alone made me drop the game.

Easily one of my favourite games of all time, heck, maybe even decade.


Played since 2013 betas, im geniunely flabbergasted this game is still standing. I stopped taking Smite seriously as a game the moment they introduced chibi and all cutensy skins.

It was... kinda fun for a bit in coop but even a biggest piece of gaming dogshit can be fun with friends. This game is a geniune disgrace to Wolfenstein franchise.

Definitely something for a very specific group of people but I enjoyed it alot.

Shipbreaker scratches the same itch that Powerwash Simulator does for me. That being said there are issues I take with the game:
- I can't play it for any extended period of time due to motion sickness.
- I don't care for the story, let me skip that shit, I want to do campaign without the story or with ability to skip dialogue.
- Like Powerwash Simulator, after a while it gets really repetitive and tedious.

painfully mediocre but it's geniunely not even worth considering with both grim dawn being released a year after it and the van helsing's games servers being closed down few years back. coop pretty much made the game go from exceptionally mediocre title to something decent that should be considered.

Objectively this game is junky ass rpg and steam version being literally the worst version to play Dungeon Lords on considering all the changes, it still has enough charm to make 10$ price tag justifiable because the game is geniunely fun to playthrough at least once.

This game is basically the previous title of the devs called Kings and Heroes but reskinned. I can't really say whether their intentions with re-releasing this as a single player game are pure or just a cashgrab.

Lets get two additional things out of the way, the art design is pretty nice and the character progression is POTENTIALLY interesting but that's about all good there is in Dungeons of Sundaria.

If this game was still in early access there would be alot of things I would turn a blind eye towards but this is allegedly a completed product despite feeling like a very elaborate showcase of game concept with very weak combat and really boring dungeon (couldn't finish the first dungeon before the 2 hours refund mark).

Despite all this, there are foundations for a pretty good dungeon crawling title so there is some hope for Sundaria to turn it around but it is a title that definitely should go back to early access for a next year or two.


this shit fucking sucks dude. i have no clue how did it go through so many people and not a single one of them thought "hey, this fucking sucks"