Been playing this for 8+ years, this game is a hidden gem. It does a lot of things really good, like the ambience and the sense of urgency of the situation you are involved in... But it is TERRIBLY outdated. Time has not been kind to this game, and I hope for the second installment to fix everything and finally give it a 5 stars. The fundamentals are here, don't mess them up please.

It is fun for some time, has a lot of potential. But updates are so far in between and nothing actually "new" about them. So after a whooping 160 hours I can say... This thing gets boring really fast. And I can't see that changing. Might be wrong, who knows.

I love this game. Tower Defense FPS? Sign me in anytime. I'd love to see more from this franchise, or others doing the same. Such a cool concept with some goated character designs.

I played this game at launch, it was a blast. I was looking forward to it for a long time. But when I was having the most fun playing it... it ended.

I literally have 2 hours and I finished the game.

I get that it has more stuff to do and it's been patched a lot with... new content? I actually don't know. I'll might revisit and change the scoring accordingly. But the sudden stop in the game's momentum kinda ruined my whole view on the game. Which saddens me quite a lot.

I just can't fathom how this game can be so much fun while everything about it at first glance points otherwise in my opinion.

The secret scavenger hunt is so infuriating when you missed 1... it reminds me of older games.

Good ambience, astonishingly beautiful environments. Cheesy and funny. Play it coop and you'll have a blast... maybe. Don't quote me on that, maybe you are a Pokémon fan and like ugly games.

Bring back Strider.

This game is one of the best 2D action adventure platformers or whatever tf I've ever played. Big pee pee energy emanates from this gem. Play it.

It is alright. The coop is funny. I like to just wither away while I play it.

Where has this been all my life?

I played it for the first time this year (2024) and it's so fun. I love it. For what I recall it didn't have the greatest of launches but as of this review, it is worth playing.

As someone who never was into this type of games I actually enjoyed it quite much, specially the freedom it gave me to play it MY way: Kill everything and everybody on sight.

Yup. That's my playstyle.

And I could actually progress through the story like that (compromising a little here and there) with some cute details about me being an absolute fucking schizo deranged and unhinged character.

Very nice game with good ambience. Probably terribly outdated by now but fine by its time. Decent story with decent plot twist and conclusion. Solid all around.

You already know it's a Masterpiece. This game has won game of the year I don't know how many years in a row by now. 50 years? 80 years? 130 sounds about right.

Mario peaked here.

It was so long ago I might revisit it to see if my scoring changes. But you know what will certainly not change? the fun I will have. Really good platformer.

The original one is definitely one of my most played games of all time. I recently went through one of the campaigns in Zen Edition: PEAK. Exactly how I remembered it. The multiplayer still holds up, and it is getting patches relatively often. There are a lot of things to improve, but that means it will get even better.

I loved it then, I love it now. I kinda don't like the so many dlc approach but I guess it was the same as getting expansions back in the day, and it brings some refreshing gameplay to the matches. Gets updated surprisingly often. Very nice.

I don't know which one of this is the original web version, but I'm referring to that one. I had to go to therapy to stop clicking the damn cookie. It was fucked up. It's so addictive to me that I don't want to see another idle/clicker game in my life, the PTSD is way too strong.