People really say Prime 1 is better... Foolish mortals. Where is the 6th star?

This is where the Prime 4 review would be. Take it as a placeholder.

Oh and Trilogy? 10/10.

This is the version that I settled for, and I don't regret a single time Yukari didn't want to heal.

As someone who never was into this type of games I actually enjoyed it quite much, specially the freedom it gave me to play it MY way: Kill everything and everybody on sight.

Yup. That's my playstyle.

And I could actually progress through the story like that (compromising a little here and there) with some cute details about me being an absolute fucking schizo deranged and unhinged character.

Bring back Strider.

This game is one of the best 2D action adventure platformers or whatever tf I've ever played. Big pee pee energy emanates from this gem. Play it.

You already know it's a Masterpiece. This game has won game of the year I don't know how many years in a row by now. 50 years? 80 years? 130 sounds about right.

Mario peaked here.


This counts for the switch version too.

Those who forget history...

So much though put into it. The levels, the characters, the story, the music. In my 200+ hours of enjoying every tiny detail of the world I could feel the love... But I'll leave it at that. Even tho I enjoyed it so much I had a lot of doubts about posting a review given the past and recent E V E N T S (pretend I used wavy text) with the dev team.

But if we just talk about the game: It is very good.

... are doomed to repeat it.

The first entry on the Mega Man X series should not have peaked this hard. It was a tough bar to overcome, and sadly they never could. Just imagine a legless summer ant trying to jump through Saturn's rings.

This work of art casts a big ass shadow to the other games on the console.

How is it even possible that a game has this much content... So much freedom. Peak.

Just an overall upgrade of the first game, in every possible aspect. It hands hold you to progress on the story to unlock more stuff to mess around even more, which I find pretty neat. But the story feels kinda rushed, it stops so suddenly. If you are like me and you like to just build and dick around, great game.