Came into this expecting something COMPLETELY different than what the game gave me and even after weeks of beating it I'm still left wanting more???

an amazing pokemon game held back by the lack of level scaling

one of the best modern pokemon games to date, gameplay loop might get repetitive but you do get rewarded for it

near perfect, being held back by so much missed potential

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the best way to conclude the klaus saga/experiment trilogy of the xenoblade games. cannot wait to see what monolith has in store for their fans

the best mario party of the gamecube era

the game just throws the same 3 enemy types at you with the same types of boss at you. really annoying but overall decent game

it suffers through a lot of its issues as its prequel, long animations for 4 pokemon, cant turn off animations, it being made during the third generation

really held back by how many animations and particle effects you have to sit through for every battle seeing as its always 2v2 and you can't turn off animations as well as it being released during the third generation

Most boring dragon ball game to ever release, gameplay loop gets stale after frieza saga and most of the models look kinda ugly