364 Reviews liked by CocaineSlushie

Episode 1 - Boring setting and story with annoying enemies and environmental mechanics. A chore to get through. 2/5

Episode 2 - The highlight of the DLC. The setting is intriguing and the side content is fantastic. All the Hades stuff is ham-fisted but interesting if nothing else. 4.5/5

Episode 3 - Middle of the road in terms of story and setting, somewhat forgettable but nothing inherently wrong with it. 3/5

Way too much going on, and that's not even taking DLC into account. With that said, the setting, characters, and story are all quite good... As long as you do as intended and play as Kassandra. It's a shame the developers were forced to include the far inferior male protagonist option. The biggest flaw of the world is the mercenary system - it doesn't make any sense and it's extremely annoying to fight off the procedurally generated damage sponges no matter where you go.

It doesn't take long for the gameplay to become an absolute chore. Transforming the various characters into unique combos of snack monstrosities is certainly the highlight of the game. It would be much better if they fully leaned into the underlying horror theme that's danced around throughout.

Nowhere near as good as I remember it being when I was a kid. The remaster's extremely saturated colors often ended up hurting my eyes. Exploring the different environments is still fun and the humor does land occasionally. It's a shame they couldn't get Clancy Brown for the remaster, Mr. Krabs's knockoff voice is extremely jarring.