The simplified building is probably the only actual improvement this thing adds. Crazy how they began the FOURTH major installment in this franchise with something so bare bones. So nothing. There's the most minor of cool things like having party outfits or throwing drinks on people but I mean, who the fuck cares? What's it add up to? Another twenty minutes of amusement then you're bored again.

THEE game for kids who wore V for Vendetta masks in school.

You can waste A LOT of hours making gangs and police fight it out. While you drone hover over the chaos. Blowing up near by tankers, driving cars into pigs, making a grenade go off in some Russian guys pocket. It's abundant. The rest of it? Uhhhh, I liked the seals.

They basically threw the AKI engine in a fairly bare bones game with an amusing story mode.

Doesn't really improve much but also didn't need to. Not on board with voice acting changes. The fox lady was perfect as is. Italy is my favorite level. Similar to the Italian level in Hitman. Just can't get enough of rough housing the locals.

The best Rockstar title ever. Too bad they just make NFTs and DLCs now or whatever.

Still holds up fairly well. It's a tight experience. My pros and cons are about the same. Love the Scarecrow segments, collecting character bios, the combat. Majority of the boss battles stink though, the Titan shit sucks, The Joker boss is still laughable. Some of the voice acting was stiffer than I remembered it was a good go.

The wrestling game genre has been dry for quite some time. Since the Smackdown Vs Raw (and eventually 2K) series took over, you basically got your singular WWE game a year. Occasionally you might get a title from another promotion. Which were always bare bones/half-assed entries that never a saw a sequel. (TNA, AAA, AEW?) Once in a blue moon you'd get an alternate, simpler WWE game like Legends of Wrestlemania (meh), WWE All-Stars (hey pretty good!), almost WWE Brawl (RIP) and this is another one of those.

It's not the simulation style that's been present since the mid 2000s. It's wacky, characters slap each other with fire hands, cages are electrified, there's environmental changes in arenas. The movesets are simplified. You fight based on whichever style you picked. If you're a wrestling fan I don't think you're gonna get much of the gameplay with how similar people play.

There's a little bit of variety in match types, you get your Rumbles, King of the Rings etc. The story mode is kinda funny. It's told through unvoiced comic panels. These aren't that nice to look at it but you can get a chuckle out of the absurdity of them.

Maybe the biggest issue with this game is the amount of locked items. Tons and tons of people are locked. Almost every person in the game has 2 to 4 outfits. Great!...Except they're all locked. It's designed for you to either grind or pay so you can get Bret Hart in a slightly different singlet. The same goes for Create-a-Character. Bunch of locked shit. It's a mess.

This isn't the worst wrestling game I've ever played, I'm not going that far but there's not much here with the redundant gameplay and overwhelming amount of locked content.

Almost designed to irritate my in every way. From the slog intro to the karma system to the map layout. As soon as you get to the city it's loading screens upon loading screens. I've tried twice to get through this and I can't do it. You can't even properly aim a gun, your character just leans forward like who the fuck

Playing this interested me in Batman more than anything prior. And by Batman, I mean his world because I don't really like Batman much. I've played this post Arkham City and Origins at least, and still enjoyed it. Can't help the shit ass boss battles though. The Croc segment is a pain on replays.

About an improvement to the original in every way except you still can't shake rush, shitty boss battles. The Titan junkie fights suck man, let it go.

Poor little Robin. Get adopted by some rich piece of shit who brings you into his preposterous lifestyle then gets mad at you for participating in it. What a guy. Joe Chill should've finished the job.