Mediocre minigames too obsessed with the wiis motion controls with some great boards and a fun character selection.

Best 3D Pokémon game, even if it is extremely easy. Some good rivals in Wally and decent map design. If you have to play a 3D Pokémon, play this one

Weird this is the racing themed battle Royale we got when Mario Kart battle mode with 100 people is right there


Great game. Easily one of the best stories I've seen in a game. All of the characters both in and out of the real world were interesting and charming, and it's themes of mental health and loss are greatly explored. Exploring the map was fun even if searching for the keys was a bit tedious. Gameplay was quite fun in boss fights but very 'mash a to win' outside of that. Would greatly recommend

You're telling me I get to beat up people with no canon consequences a SECOND TIME? HELL FUCKING YEAHHHH
2 points lost because UM exists (haven't played but I assume it's better) and no Shingo

How does a robot have better hair than me?

Did you know that Android 21 was originally going to be a cybernetically enhanced member of red ribbon dedicated to bringing the army back to it's full glory, but the initial design was rejected due to several countries at the time trying to limit Nazis or nazi-looking iconography in games? Google 'lady red Toriyama' for more information.

Played on Switch which isn't a platform option for some reason. Anyway, this game is a blast. Every level is fun with some great endings to each world where you platform in time with the music. Movement feels good and game is fun either blazing through levels or searching for collectables. A joy of a game, and on sale constantly. A must play if you get the chance

Making your own levels as well as playing others is fun. The toolset is well thought out as well. Would recommend

It's an Akira Toriyama designed character from a series with Dragon in the name and one of the alts is blue and orange.
Close enough

While the gameplay is very enjoyable, being a more balanced take on 4 alongside the introduction of demons having stats that make moves better/worse depending on whether they're compatible (AKA don't give the ice demon fire skills ya dingus) which I have mixed feelings on. On one hand, it makes demons more unique but skills as a whole got more expensive to compensate. The minimap also isn't terrible anymore, so yay!
But the main reason you'll see people criticize this game is the story, and I have to agree. Without acknowledging the very concept of making a direct sequel to a game built on multiple endings, the new take just isn't great. It feels like it tries to combine the gritty darkness of SMT with the Shounen-esque power of friendship of Persona. All of the characters not from the original feel like stock shounen character templates with not much to add to them. (also this game has a love triangle. WHY!?) The game also misses out on the multiple choices the series is built around even if options like teaming up with the divine powers would have been a great decision, because the ending choices feel token and boil down to 'Be a dick' or 'Don't be a dick'
So while I enjoyed it, it's the worst of the mainline SMT games I played.

(I do feel the need to mention this is from someone who gave up after the 6th gym)

Awful experience. Even ignoring all the controversy from before the game released (getting rid of half the roster to 'focus on animations' and then releasing a paid companion piece with all the Pokémon in it could solve world hunger using the water filtered from the piss that was taking) the game is terrible. The one piece of praise I'll give is that a lot of the new Pokémon look good, just like every other Pokémon game (minus the starters and box legendries). Now for the bad things.
The map design is terrible. Nothing but straight lines with one bland open world area with barely anything to do in it.
I hated Hop. Easily one of the worst rivals in the series who worships your existence for knowing basic mechanics like type advantages. I did like Bede somewhat as I actually felt compelled to fight him, however.
The combat is way too easy. Forced EXP share makes it so you easily overlevel every pokemon and trainer in the area where one shotting gym leaders becomes easy. There's also dynamax, where you make your pokemon big. The only strategy regarding it is to go big when your opponent does. It's just the admittedly unbalanced Mega Evolution from gen 6 but worse in every aspect.
Overall, there's nothing here you couldn't get in any other Pokémon game, play any other one. Getting one star instead of half because the quality of this game got me to play SMT which is an infinitely better series

The main reason I got into SMT as a whole. Was also my main before Terry came out

A fun alternate take to the stale New Super Mario Bros series. Speeding through the shorter levels is fun with the more challenging platforming levels, and new physics for Luigi which don't interrupt the gameplay. Highly recommend