It's map design is mostly okay, which for this trilogy is saying something
Shame about everything else

Good collection of classic SF games. Only real gripe is that it's just the arcade versions even if better versions exist (such as the PS1 port of alpha 3 with more characters) other than that, a great collection of SF games

What do you mean the cute singer chick is my cousin?

Bought the full edition on sale. While it has a good roster (again, bought the whole thing for like 15 euro) and the interactions between said characters are fun if you're a fan of these franchises (Only a Persona 4 fan personally but hey the other characters look cool at least) the gameplay itself is very simplistic and isn't great outside of wanting to see some flashy moves. It also has the worst character selection screen I've seen in a video game, with multiple scrolling wheels for each franchise represented, making it so people can't see the full selection of characters.
Overall, there are many other fighting games worth your time, play those instead.

I guess you could say this game wasn't a HIT with me?
Get it?
It's because the hit rates are fucking awful

The character design is good but other than that it's basically patient 0 for pay2win wait time mobile games

As an alternate take on Three Houses, I really enjoyed it. (haven't played Dimitri's route at time of review.) While it has a lot of missed potential (Rhea fans crying as always) I enjoyed all the interactions between characters. Gameplay wise, it's another Musou. You probably know whether you like it or not already. But if you like either, I highly recommend

Absolute masterclass in fighting game design. The gameplay has various features such as dashing and autocombos to help new players yet is deep enough to be a marvel on a competitive level with it's great 3v3 gameplay. A roster which starts out great and gets even better with DLC. A must play for anyone even slightly interested in either fighting games or Dragon Ball

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Great game. Great and well thought out characters that are fun to customize with the revamped class system. The stories of all 4 routes have great moments and develop the world well, even if some of that is ruined by (actually there was a fourth really evil house that did SO MUCH messed up shit you wouldn't even believe it.) and some of the maps not being as complex as previous FE games to account for the class system. Another issue is the game looking VERY outdated graphically on the basis of using an engine meant for an entirely different genre. It still remains my favorite FE game to date, and a great experience for any JRPG fan

Decent map design. Good story, fun characters. Super easy game outside of the fucking ghost ship.

Great customization and fun characters mired down with uninteresting main maps (although there are some pretty good side maps) Pairing your units to make strong child units is a fun mechanic even if the overtones are kinda weird. A great entry level instalment of the franchise

While I find myself enjoying the 'turn every franchise into warriors' thing with Zelda and Persona, I cannot say I enjoy FE warriors. It's basic musou gameplay without anything to add to it, with the roster also being basic and boring. In the lead up to this game's release, I was hoping for a Hyrule Warriors style celebration of the series with various characters from multiple games. Nope. Fates and Awakening, with 3 shadow dragon characters alongside Lyn and Celica, I guess. Can't recommend.

-Great maps
-FE goodness even if the story isn't the best
-Hector's existence undoes all flaws of this game

Gameplay is fun with some nice presentation. Story drags on for way too long, however, and is made worse with the lack of any real way to skip cutscenes, only fast forward them. Also the first boss fight made me bring in Morgana as a healer so it loses points for that. Good if you want a bit of Persona fanservice, doesn't have much beyond that

Story wise, a great alternate take on before the calamity. One the best musou games I've played as well, with every character feeling distinct and fun to play. The map with it's unique mission are also great. If you enjoyed BOTW, give this game a shot