A masterpiece in every single aspect possible.
This game is the real definition of horror, dread, hatred, frustration, guilt and every bad emotion you can think of.
There’s no explanation possible for the feeling of horror this game makes you feel… It’s real, it’s visceral.

In a moment you will catch yourself worried about having money to buy a piece of bread just to not die, and in other moment you will be worried about a pandemic that slowly and painfully kills every single one that it touches, and yeah, hunger and fatigue too…

This is not even a fraction of what this game makes you feel… I don’t even know if it’s prudent to recommend this game to anyone, but, one thing I can definitely assure you. You will suffer…

This game has:

and most importantly:


Masterpiece in storytelling

Ignore the bugs, It's worth it

Burros dizem que é ruim, mas só os gênios entendem a gransiosidade dessa obra prima.

Ricardo S2