Given its age I was expecting it to feel slow and unsatisfying but I was pleasantly surprised to find myself enjoying the simplicity of this. the trippy visuals really add flair to the cabinet

I genuinely don't know what I got into playing this game first before the other ones in the series but I mean it has some pretty cool visuals and the gameplay itself isn't bad at all

it's a relatively straightforward railgun shooter, despite the visuals being a bit dated I think they did a pretty good job with the renders. I played solo and got what I presume is the bad ending but I'm sure the final section is easy with a 2nd player

this game felt absurdly long for how little I played

rating it purely for its presentation because it just sucks straight ass to play. I was unlucky and played on a machine with its 2nd screen broken so I had to play alone and man does the input delay really make what could be a decent noncanon Resident Evil arcade experience just miserable to attempt

its pretty fun but if it didn't have noticeable input delay I'd probably enjoy it a lot more

didn't know this existed till I saw it beside some Street Fighter cabinets, really great game to play very pleasantly surprised by everything about it.

I like this more than 1&2 simply for its absurdity. Having jean claude before MK ever did is a crazy flex to a very niche crowd of people specifically named Ed Boon

plenty of improvements here, I'm sure playing this with someone would suffice and be more enjoyable but man does the solo experience suck ass. from the get go the CPU picks up difficulty right away and I almost gave up pretty early but then started cheesing the game as E Honda. special fuck you to whoever coded Guile and Vega they were just straight assholes. it's interesting how impactful this game is for the rest of the franchise onwards in regards to the character design and certain character moves. it's pretty obvious why the car bonus stage is very much remembered and referenced compared to the 2 other bonus stages lol. I know there's documentation and guides on how to properly defeat each character but fighting them feels like a massive effort even with the safety net of SF30TH Collection's save states.

hearing the Iconic LBP sound effects on PC is chef's kiss. I definitely enjoyed their approach to gameplay here for a spin off. visually a lot of cool textures and effects to see while progressing through a level. can't tell if its a PC port problem but the desyncing/rubber-banding when playing online with others because of framerate was very negatively impacting my overall experience even when at times all I ever dipped down to was 59 frames.

had the displeasure of trying this through the SF 30th Anniversary Collection. nothing about it makes it a worthwhile experience even when you try to give ANYTHING about it the benefit of the doubt for being the starting point of Street Fighter

Honestly had a great time here. I like that the game lets you pick out how your weapons fire, I was very surprised by the soundtrack being so upbeat. this game has no aesthetic consistency so its kind of unintentionally funny to me at times.

this game is absolutely brutal and unsatisfying to play, if I had to put quarters down to play this I would have lost interest before my lives ran out. this would probably be a better overall experience if the power up 2nd weapon was not limited to being a power up that goes away when you die because it is very obvious when the game wants you to have it at hand while it's throwing everything at you in small confined spaces

this is insanely better than the first iteration of the game mechanically. it's an overall decent experience all around. I ended up changing the VA setting to Chinese to make this game the action film experience it yearns to be since the English VA work was underperforming.