Love the stylization here. a rhythm game and a fighter game in one is an interesting idea and thankfully both modes deliver pretty well for the most part. the game audio is so sharp I'm kind of convinced this was mastered for the express purpose of someone blasting this on their tv stereo speakers or a dedicated speaker set.

Outlaws of the Lost Dynasty is a pretty great title no clue how that name wasn't used everywhere. Overall the game isn't too well polished but honestly it doesn't feel too offending. at least the game gives you the option to change the difficulty if you so feel inclined to want to see the character endings of characters who are very evidently unrefined (although I have no idea if the game limits said endings to higher difficulties like normal).

The game is aged to me not on it’s clunky controls but rather on the fact that the Wu-Tang were able to get their own game and the fact that it has a parental control password when you boot it up. It’s got its fair share of cheesiness to it but it’s not really a bad thing in this case because it has its share of flair i’d expect here as well in its presentation.

I'm actually perplexed at how competent the gameplay is here. seeing how excessive the jiggle physics made me audibly laugh my first match in because I didn't think they were gonna be overdone like that from the get go. I got to give them credit for making the characters feel weighted and the animations feel fluid when the gameplay isn't exaggerated with boobs bouncing, people flying when uppercutted, or explosions (that I honestly have no clue how I was summoning). the only complaint I have is that the CPU is definitely cheating but that's a given with these older fighters so I imagine this is at least a fun experience to have when playing with others casually. I wonder how many games off I am before they started introducing gambling as a spin off series

I was wondering why something about this game felt even better than playing it on the cabinet and it turns out this iteration plays similar to Street Fighter 2 turbo which, to me, is the only good release of SF2. didn't even notice the additional characters at first. game has a pretty decent soundtrack now that im not surrounded by a bulkload of arcade machines. im bumping up my rating from the arcade release simply because id like to imagine the extras in the background had fun working on the game

they cranked the flair to an all time high here, I really didn't think it was possible to make the game more well polished from its previous installments but they definitely went above and beyond with the additional roster and sound design

I appreciate the touch up and additional characters here

The way people talk down on this game on here like it went out of its way to ruin their experience is nuts, unless you're complaining about the unrefined mechanics introduced here most complaints are nitpicks considering this is only the first rendition of SF3

everything they introduce here is just perfect for a casual like me and by that I mostly mean the additional characters lol

Absolutely strong start to the spin off of Alpha labeled Street Fighter games

I'm not too fond of the changes made here even if there was some QOL made to make this a better experience than the first one.

Not big on Mega Man but this was a pleasant experience playing with someone. Game looks and sounds amazing for what's basically a boss rush minigame.

the premise of an arcade game with level progression and characters who are RPG classed is neat but its evident the sacrifice in polishing those features meant that the actual Beat-em-up gameplay here is just unintentionally very bland with only 3 ways to damage enemies

you don't need a review to tell you the gameplay here at its core is solid and the sprite work is great. as someone who started with 4 I'm actually kind of shocked to see both Rose and R. Mika here I genuinely assumed they were from 4 & 5 respectably. Very much enjoy seeing Rolento and Sodom here as playable characters along with the Final Fight protagonists. The game manual available here insinuates that this game takes place after Final Fight 3 which is interesting purely because this game also takes place BEFORE Street fighter 2 apparently, learning this fact really does is make me want to brush up on the Street Fighter chronology because what makes things canon and non canon can be so trivial and cryptic.

standard side scroller experience but the visuals are pretty stellar.