A bird story is only a prologue for finding paradise. It's nice, but not as impactating as to the moon. Also, the OST still gave me an auditive orgasm <3

it was fun, but nowadays the only people playing it are veterans that kill you without even taking a single damage. A cool community turned into a really toxic group. There's also the fact that some of the servers are pretty empty depending on what mode you're playing.

I'm pretty sure I played it on a friend's house before, but I had to try it as an adult. It's still pretty cool for nowadays, good song selection and I thought the graphics would be worse.

These days I went on a loop of playing minecraft, valorant and fifa, cause I was postponing finishing this game. I didn't want to start another one, cause I knew I was gonna forget about it.

The only reason this game exists, is just the same "people liked the first one, let's just make more money." There was NO reason for a second game.

It's literally the same game but with a meh story. And It's so obvious how they noticed the commotion about the little sisters and just spammed 957498 of them, with a boring minigame of "defend her while she collects adam". Like, 2 minigames or more for each.

"But, Felix, You could've harvested them"

No, thank you, cause saving them was part of my fun till they made into this horrible repetitive task <3

Also, It crashed a lot, more than the 1st one