While most Fire Emblem rom hacks try to upstage the mainline GBA games (most i have played have succeeded in doing so), The Last Promise successfully replicates the style of those mainline games. The story can be very generic, the characters lack depth and there are a lot of cliche characters (unlike vision quest). It lacks the story depth of hacks like Andaron Saga but because of this it feel much closer to your mainline games like Blazing Sword.

TLDR: Game is great with a lot of fun maps but it lacks character depth and it had a generic plot. Bonus credit for being the first of its kind back in the day when hack games were harder to make.

I like the idea of the game, the base mechanics, upgrades and losing party members like they are nothing. I just cant force myself to beat it or do another session.

The stress mechanic is overbearing and overall game experience is very grindy and less of an adventure as you go down the same hallways to slowly collect deeds or heirlooms, die and repeat over and over just to do a single upgrade back home that barely changes your experience if it does at all. I hear the end game is a dodge and crit fest as well as the rng is no longer in your favour.

Not my style of game but the narrator rocked.

was okay for a few sessions. dropping it an extra .5 stars for the PSN debacle.

They took like a dragon and just improved everything except the final villain (the final antagonists is much better in 7). The gameplay improvement is so drastic that going back to play 7 is like going from dark souls 3 back to play 2. The plot is better with each previous game of the series you have under your belt (if you played Gaiden and 6 you will appreciate this game even more).

A lot of questions and plots get wrapped up all the way from yakuza 6 and the new characters like Seonhee are amazing and should make a constant return (her love for kiryu was some of the best companion interactions in the game).

The story isnt perfect, otherwise this would be a 5 star game since the length of the game, the pacing and the level of content is incredibly well done.

This is a must grab for fans of 7 or any of the previous yakuza games.

A fun game to stream. Took maybe 2 hours or a little over to complete, so it is only really worth a grab if getting on sale.

The change in landscape, colour and vibe really sets this dlc apart from the base game and even Heart of Stone. While the main area is depressing, this new land is full of romanticism for knights and the virtuous. Perfectly contrasted by the evil (or so it seems) of the night terrorizing the city.

A great experience from start to finish that only really falls short when compared to Heart of Stone on the story department and some late game vampires show the fault in the combat system by being too fast when Geralt is unbearable to control.

Still a fantastic time with plenty of content, more than your average DLC.

Used to not rank DLCs. have to come back to rank this bad boy, even after playing 30 more games this DLC has never been topped.... best DLC? 5 stars for a DLC is crazy to me but here we are.

Idk, didn't finish. did 2-3 levels i think. Combat is just objectively bad but got some laughs from the writing lol

TLDR: 10/10 from be but still has flaws and dropped plot points. BUY THIS GAME and good luck on the path Witcher.

I did not expect this turn around after playing the Witcher 1 or even 2 for that matter. 1 Was just bad and 2 was noticeably better but still just a ok game, only really good looking next to 1. This outing was so exceptionally well done that this game has sold over 50 million copies even though its a third installment in a series where next to none have played the predecessors. Geralt and his close companions finally feel fleshed out and the world building is as good as you can get in one game.


There are of course downsides, no game is without flaw. there is quite a few dropped plot points like the last crone surviving, many of he lodge sorcerers being forgotten and being 11th hour characters, the wild hunt enemies not being fleshed out, a good but not edge of seat sitting level of story, For a a game being so perfectly written, it still has moments where characters lose iq like any other game, like my boy D turning on you and roach OPENLY WITH LIKE 2 HENCHMEN WITH HIM planning to rule Timeria for himself banking on the fact geralt will stay out of the conflict when geralt just showed he does pick sides lmao. This may be due to scrapped game concepts though which there was a lot if you look into it. Oh and you can kill Radovid (in a moment he also loses braincells but this can be easily explained due to madness) and no one in the world bats an eye.

While i listed a lot of world or story nitpicks... i didnt notice any of them during my actual gameplay due to how fun the game was, i did every sidequest and contract willingly. You only notice these minor issues in retrospective once someone points it out lol. Anyway im rambling, 10/10 will be getting Witcher 4.

An interesting expansion. Adds a few nothing side quests teasing a new land but not going into it. The main plot is excellent, some of the best writing in the game but it can take 4-5 hours or more for it to start picking up.

IDK if the ending was supposed to be more one sided, but olgierd was such an asshole that i feel like i got the good ending watching his soul get taken. He was such a prick that the devil seemed reasonable which is how the devil would make himself appear biblically so it makes sense tbh. Well done. Still feel like i got the good ending siding with evil incarnate lol.

Really fun levels, only 2ish that i dont like. Penalized heavily by the cringe plot and terrible UI having "replay level" next to "next mission" without an option to go to previous level without returning to the hub.

Its good, idk if its a "great" dlc as some say because it reuses every area just sometimes u go backwards.... it adds enough content that i didnt really care, it was fun.

A fantastic persona game along with 3 (4 sucks). Story and characters rival that of 3 and my only complaints are with some of the end game boss gimmicks like roulette or henchman blocking attack gimmicks. Had a blast, worth grabbing on sale.

Played with a friend and I think thats the only reason I had some fun. Enemies dont even react to your bullets anymore so they push through and just hit you unless a limb took enough damage to break off. Plot is obviously missed potential, everyone knows that. Idk if worth a buy unless you want to finish the trilogy but its an eh experience at its best moments. Somehow fighting humans was the most fun.

A perfect game, don't even have a complaint its just not 5 stars for me personally. Up there with RE2 for best RE game I have played. Pick It Up