The best Halo game, heck maybe even the best shooter ever made.

The best Call of Duty game and it's not even close.

Golden age of shooters right here.

It's alright, the only thing that kept me interested was the connection to Titanfall and the kick ass trailers.

Telltale's masterpiece and what put them on the radar of a lot of people, great story, fun point and click stuff, but they also made better games.

What does it say about gaming that I played this in 2022 for the first time and it surprised me in the campaign?

What I would give to have played this game when it came out.

Rest in Peace CS:GO, I won't make the same mistake again, not touching CS 2.

2012 was a wild year, Ubisoft almost made the most iconic villain in gaming, but the fumbled it halfway through. Still it's a solid game.

I think this is where gaming clicked for me. My favourite game to this day.

I was a mess when I played this back in the day. Had the soundtrack on repeat and everything. Can't remember a thing about it anymore other than the fact that I killed a town for the blue haired girl.

Best. Modern. Shooter. Campaing.

I don't actually know what to say about LoL, it's probably the most solid point in gaming along with Counter Strike, like it's always going to be there I feel.