i literally have like 9 gold skulls and played back when i was 5, unfortunately im hard invis and cant play multiplayer which pisses me off becauze it was the only thing keeping me from not playing :(

this was a really good game, turned me on a few times

such a beautiful game, kinda weird here and there and art was a a bit off but amazing

it was cool, i guess, needed more scenes

i love this game, nice rhythm game, very simplistic, and the skins the community makes are awesome. my astolfo skin is so hot


hidden gem, beat normal mode then spent two years on and off beating the hardest difficulty in the game. fun 👍👍

i did all achievements, good game, unfortunately not much replay-ability in my opinion, but it has fun options after you beat the game.


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it was amazing, i literally loved everything it was so fun the bosses were balanced good and overall was a great experience, i did all endings as well so i can confirm