Maybe sacrilege for some people but I played this first then tried the original on an emulator and good god this version is so much more playable. Looks great too.

Sucks but I played a lot of it.

I understand that the criticism thrown against pokemon is the lack of new exciting developments from game to game, but I still think the progression from the charming 2D sprites to soulless, heavy breathing, might as well not be animated at all 3D models was a tragedy.

My first and favourite generation of Pokemon. Played this again last year on an emulator with friends and had one of the most memorable battles with Cynthia, beating her Garchomp with a clutch quick claw priority on our Gastrodon who we caught at the beginning of the game and became very attached to.

Put the pokewalker on my dog for like a whole year, he got onix to level 70.

I think this was the first DS game I ever played. All I remember was an insanely difficult level where you play as both Alex and Marty fighting the fossa. I was also 6/7 so it could be not hard at all.

I actually love this game. As a weird bug kid being able to play as the bugs was a real dream come true.

Spore but with extremely limited creative control.

Playing around with the rabbid inside the wiimote was genuinely fun.

Rented from a blockbuster for a week in 2008. Didn't play another sonic game until Sonic Mania, take that how you will.

Fun for my 9yo little brain.

Thank you guitar hero 6 for introducing me to Rush 2112.

I played the ever living fuck out of this game. Only got a 100% score once. Mississippi Queen baybee.