1928 Reviews liked by Creepaface

Four stars for the dedication to the funny meme, zero stars for being a $5.00 character in a mid game whose servers are deader than a doorstop where much of the roster are already indistinguishable from one another mechanically as it is. More Jimmy Neutron recognition in the current day is never a bad thing imo, but this ain't it.

I used this to visit the Binley Mega Chippy and pretend to order the Morbius meal. Send help.

I made the mistake of playing this DLC after I've spent months forging myself in the blistering hot fires of Crash 4's platinum Flashback Relics and N.Sanely Perfects, so my reaction to Stormy Ascent ended up being a "yeah, I guess it was pretty hard. I'm a bit let down though...". (That time trial is pretty spicy at least)

I am in the middle of carrying a Polybius game about to close it out, and my bra-less Government brings me a sandwich (not asked for) with chips as I get a [REDACTED].

So how is your day going?

heard some dudes organs were in here.....

"I can assure you, Mr. President, it is of utmost importance to create a mind control device and put it in a video game" - some FBI agent, 198X

they need to remake this and add a battle pass

My friend Dave played this for 8 hours once.

We don't talk anymore.

Review #6 - 2020


Can you imagine what VR Chat would be like abandoned? It's hard to think about given how massively popular it is, and I'm sure the individuals who thrived in this game back in its heyday couldn't imagine that either. "Active Worlds" was the first of its kind, originally named "WebWorld" when it started in 1994, and later changed to the current title a year later. The internet officially hit the mainstream in 1995, but even with it being a commercial hit, many websites and communities remained niche, with "Active Worlds" being one of those treasure troves where you could meet others, and explore a world curated by the developers and players alike.

It's still up and running to this day.

Albeit abandoned, there's still a few players roaming around. A friend of mine who once experienced this game back when it was thriving, gave me a tour and had many stories to tell regarding a lot of the different areas. It was incredibly surreal.

"Active Worlds" is a internet history landmark for being one of the first online communities in the form of a game such as this, and yet, not many know of it. If you're curious, download it now, and explore it for yourself. Witness a piece of internet history, still there waiting to be rediscovered and appreciated.

pros (+)
You can get free midi files just by flying around.

It's a public service that this is still being maintained. A relic from the pre-toyetic era of PC gaming when "virtual spaces" could be galleries of outsider art, niche political platforms, heartwrenching memorials, etc.

There is a world built just for David bowie