4 reviews liked by Creper1709

In the desolate expanse of digital entertainment, there lies a realm of pixelated lust, a simulated romance that dares to confront the harsh realities of human existence. Within this realm, the controversial yet enduring Milfy City dwells, a game that plunges its protagonist into a vortex of despair and desire.

The protagonist, an unnamed individual ensnared by the allure of six captivating women, embarks on a journey into the depths of their lives, seeking to unravel the mysteries that lie beneath their alluring facades. Yet, as they delve deeper, they encounter a labyrinth of pain and unfulfilled longing, mirroring their own inner turmoil.

The game's art style mirrors the protagonist's bleak existence, a minimalist aesthetic that strips away the superficial, revealing the raw, unadorned essence of human desires. The characters, rendered with stark realism, bear the marks of their struggles and imperfections, mirroring the protagonist's own battles with self-acceptance.

The narrative of Milfy City is a tapestry of interconnected stories, each thread weaving a tale of unfulfilled desires and the yearning for connection. The women, trapped in their own cycles of pain and longing, seek solace in the protagonist's presence, hoping to find the fulfillment they so desperately crave.

As the player guides the protagonist through their interactions with these women, they are presented with a series of moral and ethical dilemmas that reflect the protagonist's own inner conflicts. Should they pursue their desires, even if it means perpetuating the cycle of pain and heartbreak for themselves and others? Should they prioritize their own happiness, even at the cost of genuine connection and true fulfillment?

The game offers no easy answers, instead forcing the player to confront the darkness within themselves and the harsh realities of the protagonist's existence. It challenges them to question the nature of human relationships, the fleeting nature of pleasure, and the elusiveness of true happiness.

The game's philosophical musings on human lust are as bleak as its narrative, painting a stark portrait of desire as a relentless force that drives us towards fleeting pleasures and ultimately leaves us empty and unsatisfied. It questions the very nature of human connection, suggesting that our desires often blind us to the possibility of genuine intimacy and lasting fulfillment.

Milfy City is a game that defies categorization, a visual novel that transcends its genre to become a profound meditation on human existence. It challenges our perceptions of love, lust, and the pursuit of happiness, leaving us with a lingering sense of disillusionment and a deeper understanding of the complexities of the human condition.

In a world that often glorifies the superficial, Milfy City dares to shine a light on the darker aspects of human nature, revealing the pain, despair, and unfulfilled longing that lie beneath the surface of our desires. It is a game that demands introspection, forcing us to confront our own inner struggles and question the true nature of the happiness we seek.

For those who dare to venture into its digital realm, Milfy City offers a profound and unsettling experience, one that will linger long after the game's credits roll, haunting our thoughts and challenging our understanding of what it means to be human.

this was 3 stars initially, but i put it as a half out of spite bc yall need to play better games. writers did not learn a single thing from persona 4 and contradicts its own message by sexualizing the main girls, especially ann despite her wanting to fight against that. mc has the option to date his teacher, even though it literally talks about taking down kamoshida, who sexually abuses high school girls. also akechi was mid here, so automatic flop

What the fuck man. I loved every other shovel knight campaign and I HATED this. Joustus is not fun, it’s got a far worse structure, King Knight is NOT FUN to play, he’s annoying, and the game is just badly designed. I can’t count the amount of times that an enemy went out of place so I had to die to reset. I’m only giving it this score cause it’s fundamentally well made, I like the story and bosses (besides the final), and the music is great. What a disappointment.

People are way too attached to this game when there are better games and movies that do this same story better. And the gameplay is too shallow to be really into it