4 reviews liked by Crynn

if i'm fully and totally honest, this playthrough was maybe the most fun full playthrough of a game i've ever had. so you may be thinking: why on earth is this not a 10?

well that's because i played this game with a friend in co-op (thank you @Crynn). he is as close to an expert as i know, and has way more experience in this game that i do. this game was so fun because he helped me out in every way.

playing this game blind would be hell on earth. there's so many intricacies, weapon upgrades and random shit that no new player would ever know about because why the hell would you. that's the biggest problem with the game; the barrier for entry is extremely high.

i do have some slight problems with grinding, but that's to be expected for a game like this. other than that, though, terraria is a blast if you know what you're doing. the weapons are consistently fun to use and there's a ton of variety in between weapon and armor classes. the bosses are an absolute joy, especially moon lord.

the game is great... if you can get past the barrier of entry. and unfortunately, that barrier of entry is taller than the empire state building.

this was legitimately my least favorite gaming experience of all time.

awful level design. terrible, unfun enemies. the stupidest level clear requirements ever. 300 different collectibles, with only one of them actually being necessary. bosses with terribly easy move patterns that take ages to actually learn. an awful AWFUL final world & final boss. i legit spent over an hour on 4-2, and another 30 minutes on the final boss for 3 attempts. a nonsensical story that feels even less fleshed out than a normal mario story.

the only way i finished this game was in a VC with a friend of mine because playing this on my own would make me want to smash my TV with a hammer. thank you crynn

i hate this game. do not play.

the only game where you can send yoshi to yugoslavia

hitman for people who don't wash their ass