105 reviews liked by CungleArt

It very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very cute!

its like if the movie clue was filmed in a spooky house and every five seconds an old man slapped your wrist and told you your mom never loved you

this game would be really great if it wasn't the most annoying thing ever to time travel. the ending was really underwhelming tho

I hate this remake so much. It does so many things to the presentation and gameplay that make it, in my opinion, an entirely worse way to experience one of the best Mario RPGs ever made.

The start of the Silly Little Plant Guys movement. It's peak.

It's really interesting to go back to this game with everything else that came from it. I remember being really scared of it when it was new but now I can beat the entire game, including 20/20/20/20 mode.

I absolutely hate how you lose every music note when you die in the N64 version. I also thought Banjo was pretty slow and clunky to control sometimes.
Otherwise, this game is pretty good!

Super cute and simple 3D platformer! A really good game to play while chilling out during a winter or summer break.