Cool in concept but has too many issues for me to fully enjoy it. The level design overuses quickstep sequences like crazy and for some reason they get really stuck on the sliding under barriers thing. It is EVERYWHERE. Also idk if this was just a me issue but unless you were at full speed it felt like the characters kept getting stuck on flat terrain, like as if simply making them walk was pulling all of the muscles in their bodies. It made short distance platforming a NIGHTMARE. Still a cool project but too rough for me to want to revisit.

scared to play a girly game?? huh?? afraid to feel whimsy?? pussy

STELLAR game that is only held up by its weird desire to give you math problems to solve sometimes

horror gargamel threw up acid and then was banished to hell

went in with no expectations and got my dick blown off

If you’re not sure what game to play, play this one and you will immediately think of a million more fun games you’ll wish you were playing

This game probably stinks but I loved it when I was younger and childhood memories are famously infallible

The only memory I have of this game is playing it in the car with my sister. What did it contain? What caused it to be removed from my memory? What did Frobisher say?

Interesting concept but got old fast. Not for me.


only god knows why they put sonic and minecraft but only god can take him out

I was so excited for this game to come out on switch but it runs so poorly that after playing it once I deleted it


At no part of this game did I feel safe