Gamer since birth!!!
Favorite genres: horror, action, adventure, romance, any indies
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Alice: Madness Returns
Alice: Madness Returns
What Remains of Edith Finch
What Remains of Edith Finch
The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
Tekken 8
Tekken 8


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I really enjoyed this game! I had heard of it before but never got the chance to play it until now. I absolutely loved the way this game was set up; how everyone was portrayed , and how their rooms all had such significant detailing and all kinds of stories came from each room. It all was so in depth and I loved how eager the game made me feel to learn the rest of the backstories of the family tree. No one had a story I didn’t like. Everyone was unique in their own way and had all kinds of varying personalities. I really enjoyed it and hope to find similar concepts in other games!

I really enjoyed the graphics and style of the game; for me games where you discover along the time the lore of it by yourself is a really cool way to approach a game! I liked the way it was set up, and the concept I enjoyed too, but for my complaints, I have a few. I didn’t enjoy the snail walking pace, I feel like there should’ve been an option to speed up. I understand wanting people to take their time to enjoy the game, but eventually it becomes boring and excruciating to be going that slow the entire game. Besides that, the mapping of the game is a bit confusing and it felt like I went in circles a couple of times. I think it would’ve been beneficial to have added a map widget to refer to instead of just sort of guessing your way through , hoping to find another map table somewhere. Last but not least, I understand the concept, that people sort of just vanished but I think some clips of people just actually in their human forms would’ve brought a lot more interest into the game. Even at the end if they had shown even just one overlapping imagery of the people who lived in the town, just for an informational visual, I think that would’ve greatly improved the storytelling. But besides all my complaints, regardless I enjoyed the game.