5 reviews liked by D7_Delta

Normally, licensed games tend to be games that, while they have a bit of substance thanks to the intellectual property they are based on, lack something that makes them unique and usually feel like generic games. Well, it's quite the opposite for Batman Arkham Asylum, this is a game that not only represents the Batman universe in a great way, but takes advantage of that world to present a very solid and well-designed game.

I think saying that this game is a “Metroid Fusion in 3D” isn't too far off the mark, as it has a pretty similar structure. Batman Arkham Asylum rather than being an action game, is one of adventure, in which we have to explore Arkham Island, which is divided into several areas that we will unlock as we get more gadgets throughout the adventure. I especially like how in the closed areas we have to make our way by making use of all kinds of alternative paths and the tools that Batman has at his disposal until that moment, making that, navigating in these spaces is something very entertaining due to the good map design that this game has, shining a lot in the stealth sections where we have to eliminate enemies with caution, or in those where discovering where we have to go is not something clear.

Exploration is favored by a high level of attention to detail and a lot of secrets that hide a lot of easter eggs to the comics, which if we are attentive and inspect can give us the biography of the referenced characters in question. Although I like it, I think it would have been better if the rewards for exploring also translated into benefits or improvements for our character, since the only things that are unlocked are the biographies that I mentioned before, voice recordings and 3D models, in the case of collecting the Riddler statuettes, these are a collectible that is very wisely hidden and is very entertaining to discover, it becomes a little trivial by not granting benefits in the gameplay, ending up being additions that only the most curious will appreciate.

The story begins with Batman taking the Joker to Arkham Asylum, but as part of a very good elaborate plan by the Joker, Batman gets trapped in this place full of criminals and super-villains with the only desire to cause chaos around the place and wipe out all the cops and the hero who put them there in the first place. Although the story is somewhat simple, the central premise serves to give rise to many interesting situations, as certain events occur throughout the story that can cause disruptions in some places on the map and put Batman on the ropes many times, and it's always great to see how the solution to the problem is reached thanks to the hero's high ingenuity.

The combat is somewhat simplistic, which I don't necessarily see as a bad thing, as it's extremely satisfying to pull off large chains of combos and fight large numbers of goons at once without getting hurt. The boss battles are also very entertaining, and each one proposes a different dynamic to be beaten, my only complaint is that the battles against the sub-bosses (strong goons) are reused so much that they become a bit repetitive in the long run.

Something that fascinated me about this title is its art section. It hits the nail right on the head with the kind of grim and gloomy setting of the Batman universe. I really enjoyed exploring the map of this game thanks to this, as I would sometimes get lost contemplating the beauty of the exterior structures and landscapes, or even some of the interior areas of the buildings.

Although I didn't get to play it at the time, it's easy for me to appreciate how this game set the bar high for what a superhero game should be. Batman Arkham Asylum doesn't just settle for being a simple action game of the character, it goes beyond that, building a game with an immersive and interesting world, making exploration a fundamental part of the experience, achieved thanks to brilliant 3D map design.

un juego que me sorprendio mucho, un amigo me intento meter en mh una banda pero la saga principal me frustra un monton al punto de que le deje un trauma cranico a toda mi familia, pero vi que estaba este spinoff tipo pokemon y decidi darle chance, tiene un sistema de combate de piedra papel o tijera bastante original, la historia es simple pero es como jugar un pokemon PERO SIN SACAR PURA MIERDA CADA POCO TIEMPO, aparte lo podes jugar en celular, una locura.

i will never beat Blood Stained Sanctuary

Playing this right after City has put it better into perspective for me. It is very much a "fuck Knight won't be done for another few years, here other team make a game" type of game, yet it doesn't feel as cynical as many of those that I've played. This is a very talented team with the unenviable job of following up what many would consider the best game of it's generation, and certainly the best Batman game up to that point, but I think they pulled it off really damn well. It fixes a lot of my problems with City while sadly introducing a few of its own.

The combat this time is basically just City again. It feels basically the same, with a few small tweaks. Hitting dudes in these games just feels so damn satisfying. The shock gloves were a nice addition, rewarding you for playing well by making it easier to recover from mistakes. The open world is my first real problem with this game. It's bigger than City's, adding the part of Gotham that was across the bridge, but sadly adding that extra made it feel just a little bloated. Not as bad as most open world games, but just a smidge too big for the City traversal system. It wouldn't be too bad if getting between sections of the city didn't require you to cross a bridge that just has nothing going on. It's mostly just wasted space. The one place Origins is an unarguable improvement over City is the boss fights. Some people call Mr. Freeze the best boss in the series, and I'm not going to call them wrong for that, but overall I think Origins has the best fights in the series. The Deathstroke fight is my personal favorite in the series. It really feels like you're fighting against Batman's equal and it is incredibly satisfying to figure him out.

The story was the biggest disappointment in City for me, so it's nice to see that they didn't flounder here in Origins. It's a nice little early years Batman story, of course about how he met the Joker. It's nothing too complicated, but its well written enough with some great character moments for Bruce. Now, some people may have problems with the new voice actors for Batman and Joker, but I liked them quite a bit. The main problem is that Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill are the perfect voices for them. No one will ever live up to them. If you can set that aside though, Roger Craig Smith and Troy Baker do really great jobs.

I like Arkham Origins a lot. Like a lot, a lot. I used to call it my favorite in the series. Having now played it and City back to back, I can say they are about equal to me now. Both have strengths and weaknesses, but one thing's for sure. They are both stellar games.

Personally this game is as good as Red Dead Redemption 2, even if the controls aren't as refined. John Marston is an amazing character, to the point where I'd say I prefer him to Arthur, and watching the story from RDR2 carry into this one makes the game even richer. I just hope Rockstar stays away from remastering this, cause if it's anything like GTA trilogy's one then new people playing through RDR1's story will lose what made it so good, I'd argue even the graphics give this game a unique feel and don't need an upgrade. Easy 10/10, along with RDR2.

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