Games Featured in "Hardcore Gaming 101 Digest Vol. 6: Namco Arcade Classics" (2019)

Book edited by Kurt Kalata

"Namco is basically a company with dual histories. Internationally, they're known for games like Pac-Man and Galaga, groundbreaking classics in the golden age of arcade gaming. In Japan, however, they also had a reputation for their offbeat, quirky output, often based on creating unique and interesting characters. Since they relied on overseas partners for their distribution, Americans and Europeans never really got to see most of these titles, at least until both MAME and the Namco Museum line gave them greater exposure. This digest seeks to cover both of these aspects of Namco's history."

Buy the book here.

Games listed in book order.

Other 'Arcade Classics' volumes from HG101:
Sega, Vol. 1
Sega, Vol. 2
Data East