The Finer Details Of The 10-Point Scale

Seen some of these lists around, detailing what fellow users consider the basis of each rating on their personal 5 or 10 point scale. Figured it'd help save space in my bio, and serve as a good way to iron out what ultimately goes into my decision to rate a game a given score, complete with a game I'd consider an exemplary demonstration of such a ranking.

10/10 - Jackpot

A 10/10 is, more often than not, a title that's a true sum of its parts, between gameplay, graphics, music, story, as you'd expect. Any issues I can think to bring up are just minor blemishes on a gorgeous diamond that'd make me look like a lunatic to nitpick over. But it's also likely representative of a game that means a lot to me, or a game that got genuine emotions out of me. Whether for music, story, or even being there for me in a defining or dark moment of my life, there's always a little sentimentality to the fabled perfect score.

If your game can elicit the same nirvana bestowed upon me by Devil May Cry 5, a game that swept me off my feet at a point in my life where I needed it most, you're a keeper, and more than deserving of a 10/10.
9/10 - On The Cusp Of Perfection

The bar that separates a 9 from a 10, for me personally, is a fairly thin one, but it's just enough to make a difference. A title that falls short from true legendary status with just a few too many pervasive issues here or there, be it a few cumbersome gameplay sections or misguided mechanics that stick in my mind for the worse. But that doesn't mean I didn't have an amazing time! If anything, a 9/10 is more than enough for me to say I'm satisfied, and the only things I'd want more than to see the issues addressed in the title at hand, is a sequel to iron them out and add more quality on top of it all!
8/10 - A Good Time To Be Had

An 8/10 encumpasses a title that's a few sandwiches short of a full picnic, and its issues might bubble up to the surface, but still isn't to be overlooked by any stretch. A game that knows what it wants to do, and accomplishes it in spite of being held back by some quirks.

If you've got gameplay that's solid enough and mesh it with some uniqueness, you've got yourself a winner!
7/10 - Hey, That's Pretty Good!

The average to a modern game journalist, a 7/10 to a normal human being should represent a game that's good... and that's it. Good, fun, worth seeing through to the credits, but held back from being all it should be. There's likely a good amount of aspects that need polishing, and some things that I might actively dislike, but it's got spirit and a good foundation to build upon. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and give the run another shot!
6/10 - Yeah, that was pretty fun

A solid 6/10 isn't a game that blew my mind or anything. More often than not, it's just a game that scratched an itch; kept me busy for a little while. There's probably issues with severity ranging from minor niggles to more genuine annoyances. Or maybe it just isn't quite my tempo, but also not something I've got enough to complain about to outright dismiss it. A 6/10 is still a game I can walk away from saying I, for the most part, enjoyed. Just maybe approach with caution, grab it on sale, but I wouldn't recommend you actively avoid one.
5/10 - The Valley Of Mediocrity

Here we are, in what should be the average on a 10 Point Scale, the fabled 5/10; what the kids these days call "Mid", and what people with brains call "Average", or "Mediocre".

The factors that embody a title of this calibur are the epitome of the mixed bag. Maybe for every quality I could heap praise unto, there's something else for me to complain about. Maybe the game just earned a general shrug of apathy from me from title screen until the credits roll. Or, maybe everything surrounding the game is pretty solid, but the game part of the game crumbles in attempts to support it.

Not a wholly bad title, but one that just sort of is, and not one I'm likely to revisit.
4/10 - Well, that wasn't the worst...

The less offensive and more disappointing in the realm that is the lower half of the spectrum of quality, a 4/10 often displays one, or even a few standout qualities that make me wish they weren't bogged down by the weight of the game's greater issues. You might be a game trying too much, or a game that's just uninteresting enough for me to see you as less than pure mediocrity. Good qualities persist, but can't redeem you.
3/10 - The Groan Zone

More than just a title with eeks and irks, a 3/10 is a title thats lower quality is less upsetting and more actively frustrating. Good concepts are buried under a mountain of bad execution and other surrounding elements, and I'm left actively thinking about what the game should have been, because the few good ideas can't shoulder the burden of numerous negative qualities.

Odds are, other games show up one of these in all it's trying to do, and those are far more worth spending your time and money on as a result.
2/10 - The Dregs

When your game's beating this close to the bottom of the pile, you've done something wrong. Awful game design, technical issues or a lack of anything of interest are likely abundant, with any redeeming elements only serving to be overshadowed by the amount of garbage on display. A miserable experience. Wouldn't recommend you bother, unless you're morbidly curious.
1/10 - The Abyss

What defines the 1/10 isn't as much an abundance of negative qualities as a lack of positive ones. Everything that applies to a 2/10 is here but without those few bright spots. Worst case scenario, your game is making me either bored out of my mind, to the point a podcast or album is still not enough to get neurons firing, frustrated due to any number of aggravating design choices, or actively miserable just playing it. If I'm actually sticking with it to beat it, it's either due to the sunk cost fallacy, or for the purpose of being able to form a complete opinion and not have to worry about those guys who say that I didn't finish the game so my opinion doesn't count.

The 1/10 game is legitimately anti-fun, and those behind it should be held accountable.


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