The masterpiece of the Uncharted series. When this came out I really didn't think it was going to be as spectacular as it was, but I was obviously very wrong. They exceeded every expectation with this game, going all the way from the characters themselves to the story. Uncharted IMO is already a must-play series, and this just tops off its legacy.

I played this when I was younger but I can just rememeber the feelings I had playing this game. Going through killing different types of bosses with it being extremely easy to mess up and ruin the run is a scary feeling, but it makes the game itself so fucking good. The world itself is beautiful, the music is beautiful, and the actual story of the game is beautiful as well. Highly recommend the remastered to anyone.

GOW 2018 has a special place in my heart. After growing up playing the original GOWs, when this game teased at 2016,E3 I really went crazy. I knew that as soon as this game came out, I was playing it, and damn it delivered. The character development on Kratos is unmatched. The combat is fun and the combos you can pull out are both great and fun as well. The boss fights are all amazing, but we all know Baldur 1 clears everything else in the game. Along with Witcher 3, Its just Peak.

There's nothing bad I can say about this game. The storytelling and writing is peak. The combat can both be difficult and fun with different ways to fight every boss & different styles of fighting you can use. With the amount of different storylines there are, its essentially Skyrim on steroids. The side quests have actually good storylines to them, and the main quest is unbelievable. my GOAT.