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Time Played


Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

December 18, 2023

First played

September 30, 2023

Platforms Played

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Yes. It's that good. Well deserving of its (as of writing) #4 spot on this website by average ranking.

The characters, the villains, the dialogue, the voice acting, the plot twists and the music are all fantastic. It's well worth playing the MSQ to see Shadowbringers. The expansion feels like the culmination of the story since A Realm Reborn and if it ended with the 1st set of patch quests it would have been great conclusion in its own right. There's a lot of pay offs that have been building in the narrative and it hits it perfectly every time.

An all time favourite that I won't soon forget. (As of writing it has my favourite villain and favourite plot twist in a game.) I'll remember, as a certain character asks. The themes of legacy, of why we fight and struggle, of our purpose, meaning and what drives us is excellently done in the narrative.

The characters are compelling and captivating. Endearing villains, brilliant development of characters that have previously had little screen time and moments that make you feel and empathise with the cast.

The music is the best so far. Lyrics that perfectly reflect the game and a leitmotif that never gets old. The score adds a lot to cutscenes to make certain moments perfect.

It's hard to see Yoshi P and the team ever top this. If they don't, I'm sure glad they made this one nonetheless.