Base MSQ: 10/10

Pacing issues aside, that last zone and the finale is something else. They'll never be another ending like it. An absolute rollercoaster. You'll cry, you'll laugh, you'll cheer. A final act for the ages as the curtain draws down on the play, as a certain character would put it.

A perfect conclusion to FFXIV's decade long story.

The multiplayer is terrible. It's a hectic mess of nonsense.
Combat isn't fun. You can barely do anything before you run out of magic points.

I'll create a new log and new review if I get round to trying this singleplayer, but my multiplayer experience was a massive disappointment.

I didn't like what I played.

Will give it another try with a new review once I get my own copy.

Played this at my friend's house and it was pretty awesome.

Would like to get this myself and play it at some point, but it's far down my backlog as it's not my genre of choice. If I do play through my own copy I'll make a new review for it.

Not my thing I'm afraid.
Better than Dark Souls though.

Not as good as Shadow Grinder.

More frustrating but still was a novelty.

Performs slightly better than the PS4 version, but I'm reluctant to rate in any higher as it still lags at points (such as during loading screens) and the game is fundementally flawed. The multiplayer, which is the draw of this game, simply doesn't work.

PS4 review:

Played the Steam version on my Steam account at a friend's (possibly with some mods for the game my friend had installed).

It's ok I guess. It's not terrible but nothing that good either. My aforementioned friend really likes this game, but I wasn't the biggest fan. Seems to be a game you had to grow up with to really appreciate.

With all that said, I've heard other versions of this game are better and the Steam version isn't the best.

Note: Own Limited Edition. Played standard edition at friends (although they are the same game).

It's an application, rather than a game, suprised it's on here.

This was amazing during school trips to send messages to the rest of the class on the bus.

Played round a friend's house in the co-op mode.

Tails is broken and made every boss fight in the co-op mode end in like 2 seconds or less with his bomb special.


I played this in primary school on the old CRT monitor school computers and it was peak back then.

Played round a friend's house. Yep. It exists.

It's less of a game and more of a mediocre music creation tool. Fun for messing around in but extremely limited.

Got this as a kid.

What happened to Rayman? Did the Rabbids kill him?

There's a funny glitch where you can fall forever into the void.

Except that, it's a short game that's pretty bad and extremely forgettable.

Yes. It's that good. Well deserving of its (as of writing) #4 spot on this website by average ranking.

The characters, the villains, the dialogue, the voice acting, the plot twists and the music are all fantastic. It's well worth playing the MSQ to see Shadowbringers. The expansion feels like the culmination of the story since A Realm Reborn and if it ended with the 1st set of patch quests it would have been great conclusion in its own right. There's a lot of pay offs that have been building in the narrative and it hits it perfectly every time.

An all time favourite that I won't soon forget. (As of writing it has my favourite villain and favourite plot twist in a game.) I'll remember, as a certain character asks. The themes of legacy, of why we fight and struggle, of our purpose, meaning and what drives us is excellently done in the narrative.

The characters are compelling and captivating. Endearing villains, brilliant development of characters that have previously had little screen time and moments that make you feel and empathise with the cast.

The music is the best so far. Lyrics that perfectly reflect the game and a leitmotif that never gets old. The score adds a lot to cutscenes to make certain moments perfect.

It's hard to see Yoshi P and the team ever top this. If they don't, I'm sure glad they made this one nonetheless.