If you have any appreciation for body horror then this game is a must play

I share the same sentiment as others, the gameplay is good but they heavily dropped the ball on the writing and the characters.

If the main villains would be good then it would be kinda enjoyable, still doesn't excuse that every character in the game has to be le quirky. The original or 2 didn't have this much shitty humor as a comparison, they at least tried to tell a serious story sometimes and it worked, here it's just all "haha silly" and when it tries to be serious it flops.

The game is also braindead as hell, when there's a puzzle it doesn't even give you a minute to figure it out on your own, the characters will be telling you on repeat the solution every 20 seconds or so, it's annoying as hell.

Some of the vilest shit you'll read

An improvement over the first game in every way except for the story