genuinely fucking sucks, rifts is literally the most terrible idea of all time especially adding the elements of tanks and fucking shooting to the game(like why??? It controls terribly and is a fighting game, we dont need all of that.)
Not to mention the microtransactions and how slow the gameplay feels. I legitmately thought my game was just lagging or something but turns out its just Like That, I couldnt even do proper combos due to how slow everything is along with what appears to be input lag. I'm not at all joking when I say that all the characters sucked to control(especially bigger ones like Jason) and I had to use the damn Banana Guard to even get any form of consistent wins. And the experience of multiplayer sucked too cause I knew if I was fighting against an Iron Giant, I was cooked due to how big and busted Iron Giant is in this game.
Oh and this game absolutely is balls if you're like me and never got to play or rarely played any fighting game growing up, not too great for beginners

I remember pirating this game when I was like 4 years old on the family computer, AT&T called cause piracy bad or whatever, uncle thought it was bc he was pirating music and kept his mouth shut for a while until he saw that I was playing The Sims 1 and immediately snitched to my grandma about it (i was not allowed on the PC for a week and it got uninstalledđź‘Ť)

this was a fun game, great gameplay. Wild that this game is dead now. If you couldnt get a hang of the controls that was a skill issue.

A very pretty game but the platforming feels incredibly clunky, the enemies for some reason are absurdly strong and have way too much health for not being bosses, and the combat system is actually kinda ass.
This is the sort of game that would have benefitted from a skill tree system instead of leveling up via gems that seem scarce and the combat would have been beneficial if it was actually turn based instead of based your refresh rates compared to the enemies. I wanted this game for the longest time ever since hearing about it and now that I'm able to actually play now because I've gathered enough money for game pass, I can't help but feel disappointed.

For me, Ishin is just okay. I actually liked the combat system but I found mystelf getting bored of the actual storyline. But maybe I'm just burn out or something cause I played each Yakuza game back to back.

Lost its charm because they were no longer the shadow in shadow fight, plus it felt significantly harder to upgrade or beat characters from what I remember.

Genuinely thought this was peak back when games were on Facebook

genuinely got bored a bit too fast, probably would be fun to play if I had a new gen console or up to date graphics card. Had to play through GeForce Now to get the best experience(not sponsored but GFN is genuinely better than XBox Cloud). The Finals is visually pleasing imo but the ai voices knocks it down a point when there are so many voice actors that would have been happy to be voices in a game. Another point down because it doesnt seem as though many people even care for this game(the ai stuff probably plays a factor), though I was a fan of the mechanics.

played this because i didnt get to experience splatoon 1, 2 or 3 and tried to fill that void of missing out on something that seems really great. Ninjala is decent and I boot it up from time to time when I actually bother to boot up my Lite.

was a great time waster during the 30 minute lunch breaks in high school. I dont no a single thing about Fire Emblem outside of this game.

whoever designed the later levels, thank you for putting my uterus and stomach acid on edge.

played the demo years ago, kinda mid and I found some of the character designs to be ugly. Only good thing I really got out of this is that it's how I found the manga Murcielago bc someone said one of the demons in that I liked in the demo looked like a character from Murcielago.

Played this years ago and got every route, loved all the characters. Loved it but remember wishing it was longer and had more scenes.
10/10 I definitely had mommy issues then and still have them now.

Its been literally like 5 years since I played this but its a really good game. I homebrewed my 2ds and finally gave this game a go when phones were banned in my senior year of high school and everyone was bringing their own portable consoles to school. I think I was like at the halfway point of the game, really need to play it again when I get over my burn out.

Got this when I was young because I thought it would be like the other versions of generations.(I was a fool and I still cannot play the actual Sonic Generations because games have never been easily affordable for me) Beat the game in 2 hours, there wasnt even a chemical plant zone, multiplayer sucked and I was legit was mostly playing against the same person over and over again over several months when I decided to the boot the game up.