Its like alcohol. Ruins your day but you cant stop enjoying it

turns walls into a canvas with your medium being the brains of nazis


Weirdly well written and voice acted

Really well paced with music that somehow doesnt get grating despite its instrument choice

Not as good as the original by any stretch. Lacking the iconic history of the first and also the good level design. Its not that good but its not that bad the super shotgun is fun but sorta ruins the balance of the game

Good but not as good as the original

Played the whole thing in coop tons of fun for messing around with a buddy. The invasions add a lot of fun as well. Worth iut on gamepass but hardly worth 60$

Poorly disguised military propaganda. Decent fun gameplay though.

Bite sized and hilariously written far cry package. Perfectly stays its welcome as its only like 6 hours long

Crazy fun crazy hard crazy rewarding