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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 10, 2024

Platforms Played


After playing through Epic Mickey Power of Illusion on 3DS, I was curious to see what inspired it. I remember going onto the family computer when I was a kid and playing a rom of this on some retro gaming website, so the first level is ingrained into my head.

Castle of Illusion is a simple little Mickey platformer but unfortunately nothing for me to write home about. I think it's just okay by Genesis platformer standards, and full of color and life in each level. Gameplay overall is pretty slow, but it's a consistent slowness that makes it easier to plan jumps and such.

I beat this entire game in roughly 2 hours, and I found it to be pretty unforgiving at points. No shame, I abused the CRAP out of the Save States on this one. Can't imagine what it would be like if I had to start over

Not really in a rush to see what World of Illusion is about yet but I think it's great to have some Mickey Mouse games with some level of quality.