2 Reviews liked by DantasVGabriel

I always heard people talking about Inside and wanted to live this experience. Now that I played I understand why people love it.

The game don't tell you the story and left to you try to understand what's happening. Everything on the background is intersting and let you think what's going on.

The characters moviments are incredible for a indie game from 2016. The puzzles are also enjoyable.

Inside is a short game that every gamer has to play.

If you see Inside on sale or if you have Xbox Game Pass, play it.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is probably the best 2D Zelda game ever made, even better than remake of Link's Awakening from the Nintendo Switch.

The combat here is near perfect. The boss battles are incredible.

I always felt kind of lost in all 2D Zelda and I didn't know where to go. In A Link Between Worlds, I always knew what to do. That's incredible because you have two worlds to visit and you always have to change from one to other to get to some places.

The story is problably the best of the franchise. You don't give much for it until the last cutscene.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is the best Nintendo 3DS game that I ever played. If you have the chance, play it.