Good soundtrack and some of the uses of the hole are quite creative.

Extremely short-live, linear, and the uses of the hole aren't varied. I would not recommend if you are expecting something similar to a Katamari game.

Final Edit: Can recommend. Fun game but drags on in the last third. Controller support is extremely inconsistent and quest/key item bugs are still frequent. Expect to reload often.

Edit: The game has been patched fixing most of these issues. The game itself is very enjoyable so I will be changing my review accordingly. I'll return once I've completed the game.

Noticably buggy. had UI softlock, HUD disappear, combat lock-on issues, enemies attacking after dying, quest progress improperly, enemies despawn, etc.

m&kb controls are clunky (especially UI) and I've had issues with controller support consistency

gamplay and story so far is solid but this game needs cleanup bad

Sidescrolling shmup with boring enemies and repetitive combat. The game starts easy and gets progressively easier with dodging and improved weapons to the point where the difficulty comes from bullet sponge enemies which can be ignored if you don't care for leveling all the weapons. Some of the best levels are the end challenge levels that are never replicated in the rest of the game. It doesn't help that none of the weapons feel sastifying to use due to lack of audio punch or damage even at max level.

Story is fine but the cutscenes for leveling and with Lucas disrupt the gameplay to a severe extent. Music and visuals are appealing but some background get repeated making the later levels feel less unique. As a result the game becomes repetitive very quickly and the insta-kill zones in the later levels do not help the situation. Cally's Caves 2 doesn't engage the player and becomes a chore to complete.

I do not recommend playing the game.

Boringly below average mahjong game. Music is repetitive but after 4 hours it started to grow on me as the gameplay certainly did not simultaneously. No indication that there are two seperate modes and the "50" challenges are just 25 repeated with the second time where some of the tiles are hidden for a time limit. Limit is too short to accurately gage where piece are (while half-awake) and the auto reset function when you run out of moves makes life easier so you don't have to completely restart but trivializes the difficulty. Getting 3 stars is all but guarenteed after enough brute force. No settings other than mute the game.

Definitely not a game you'd want to take seriously especially when it's an asset flip.

Buy Delicious Mahjong instead.

A suprisingly fun and engaging mahjong experience. Very enjoyable music and the combo system encourages fluid gameplay as you progress through each stage and mahjong match. Music is upbeat, varied, and pleasing to listen to. Even if I purchased this game several times as a joke, it is always a pleasure to revisit some of the puzzles in this game. Most games I tent to binge half awake and even with the automatic resets upon running out of matches this games shouldn't take very long to 100% complete with all the costumes and characters. Free additional content and the fufilled promise of tiddy makes it hard to bet at only 1$USD.

Buy Delicious Mahjong. Highly recommended.

Civilization V is a grand-strategy game with high variation in strategies and tech available to each of the countries. Very enjoyable with or without a party for people who enjoy turn based strategy with opportunities for mass variation in how you spec your tech tree to how you approach diplomacy with other countries. My major gripe is the mostly linear progression in the army building and that sessions can take a large amount of time in one sitting.

Highly recommended regardless due to its completely enjoyable experience.

If you tolerate bulletsponge enemies, the atmosphere and gameplay loop is solid for Borderlands 2. Large amount of replay value due to the variety of weapons and builds available. DLC is an excellent compliment to the main game. Highly recommended.

Never played GMOD Tower yet this game makes me wish I did.

Very enjoyable social experience with a variety of gamemodes and possibility to explore. From the customization of Condos to the endless grind of the Casino machines, Tower Unite always ends up providing an enjoyable experience whenever I decide to hop on for some old fashion gambling only to have it result in me playing the other modes provided by the developers.

Unfortunately development is slow and unit progression is very slow if you do not actively grind out the Casino as while the games are fun they do not provide enough units to be considered for grinding units to buy the more expensive condos. Video Poker and the Dragon Slot machine is your best bet for winning money (unless you can play High Stakes very consistently).

In time this game will be excellent but right now it's cracks are showing and you'll really have to be attached to the community within this game or have one of your own to join you on the adventure if you want to fully enjoy this game in its current state.

This game heathily feeds my gambiling addiction.

Edit: D&D is also pretty good on it. Highly recommend if you have no IRL friends.

Easily one of the best cinematic experience I've had the pleasure of having regarding the Three Kingdoms Era of 3rd Century China. My first formal experience with Dynasty Warriors and this is a great start.

My main gripe is you auto start with stupid strong weapons due to having all the DLC but it's w/e.

♥♥♥♥ SUN QUAN.

Single Player: Definitely. Great single player story and enjoyable characters that make GTA V feel vibrant and exciting to journey through the campaign.

Multiplayer: No, unless you have infinite income for shark cards, are a NEET, or . Playing with friends will always be enjoyable but the grind is too long and repetitive to commit a good amount of time into. Skip it if you're looking for an enjoyable grind.


This a great game and if you're looking for cyberpunk adventure games I'd put this on your wishlist.

A 2D adventure RPG game centered around hacking the cyberspace to evade capture by an "evil" corporation. You can go guns blazing, fist to fist, or full stealth mode depending on your augments and which path you take. The maps are surprisingly open with lots of pathways to follow for solving problems. The writing is well done and although the plot is simple its executed well. Art is a subjective topic but I can say its very consistent and well done.

My only gripe is combat can be brute forced very easily. If you've played Deus Ex, Dishondered, Akrham Knight, etc. you know what I mean. If not, at a certain point of upgrades you become God and encounters are one-sided even as enemies improve. Its consistent with the narrative but if you're expecting scaling like in Thief or Prey (2016) you may be disappointed.

Fun game with a banging soundtrack, unique artstyle that works well with the story/atmosphere, and good fighting mechanics.

Never got kicked from lobby/10

Better than the console versions xd.

Edit: Got kicked from lobby. Still pretty good.

This is a good re-imagining that replicates the original but does NOT replace it. I enjoyed the game and was able to 100% ingame with little trouble but it was not an improved experience.

There are a lot of issues regarding your hp, the redone combat, camera, missing sound effects, and more that all result in a game that plays differently from the original and not in a good way. If you haven't played the original and want to purchase a copy to play, I recommend buying the original if you have a console. if you enjoyed the original, you will enjoy this one but feel like something is missing.

The horde mode multiplayer is dog, buy for the singleplayer.