Very cute game if you like MLP. Would highly recommend to all my bronies. I played this a while ago but forgot to log it.

Big fun time with big friends. Gets less scary the more you play which makes it not quite as exciting later. Haven't messed around with all the mods that exist, so who knows.

We have good and bad memories around this game. Hey that's pretty good.

Yug yug yug bum bum bum. Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Only reason not 5 cuz Anthony win everytime. Assyria for the win.

Not quite as good as HoMM III, also spellcasting isn't as good and square tiles aren't as fun as hexagons. Also, why is the level up tree hidden the way it is. Overall, still a really good HoMM game. Worth playing.

I am Necropolis. Perfect game only meant for the greatest strategic minds. If you haven't studied the art of combat like I have, spamming upgraded Liches with the Cloak of the Undead King, then you stand no chance. I remember long nights with my older brother, pulling all nighters and playing this game for 16 hours straight or some shit. This shit doesn't get old. The soundtrack is amazing and the art design is still amazing (genuinely up there with SotN in terms of how good it looks). I love this game with all my jellies.


I am Corvo. The only flaw in this game is the giant meaty grabbers that everyone has for hands, but that's also the best part.

I am still Corvo. I can't remember much to be honest, but I remember thinking it was great, but not quite as good as the original. Do people still have meaty grabbers? I can't remember.

Best Call of Booty game. Trying to beat your one friend who is objectively better than you in 1v1/2v2 is still worth it. You know who you are you bitch ass.

Game starts to go omega crazy when you learn who to properly swing. Good bois time.

This game does not deserve 5 stars, but I played so much and I love it so it's getting 5 stars. Trying to make elaborate plans with your friends only for everyone to immediately flail and fuck up is inevitable and part of the experience.

Fuck this game. Also, I love it. I hate fighting games (I'm lying).