Silent Hill 2 is a game that I've wanted to play for a long time. Everybody on the internet calls it one of the best horror games of all time and one of the greatest games, period. So, I found a way to play it, and I can agree with the majority in saying that SH2 is a beautiful work of art.

The setting is eerie and filled with morbid creatures around every corner; whether you find yourself in the open streets of Silent Hill or the claustrophobic and rusted hallways of the prison, each location feels fresh and doesn't overstay its welcome.

The story is also incredible. It's similar to a rabbit hole due to the various twists and turns that our protagonist has to endure. James Sunderland is an ordinary man looking for his deceased wife, who calls him to the town of Silent Hill. It's one of those stories that leaves you thinking about what you just witnessed. Without spoiling it, the ending and the events leading up to it will leave you rethinking the entire adventure.

In addition to it's beautiful yet eerie soundtrack, Silent Hill 2 is a landmark in video game history. There's a reason why everyone loves it, and now I know why. It's one of many games that I would call perfect, as it takes every single element to craft an unforgettable experience.


As a newcomer to the Pro Skater franchise, I had a good time with this remake. It's fun exploring the maps and completing objectives while pulling off insane tricks and combos. I would spend hours learning how to do manuals and combo chains, which felt rewarding once I finally got the hang of it.

My only issue with the game comes from the lackluster character creator. It's a nice feature, but I wish we had more options for hair, clothing, or hell, a face slider to adjust a character's face. I was disappointed that I could not recreate myself in the game since that's something I like to do in most games.

Aside from that, I can say that my money was well spent. I was cautious about going in, fearing that I wouldn't like it. Thankfully, those fears subsided as I lost myself in the experience. If you were worried about picking this game up, don't be. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 is a fun game that's worth the $40. I highly recommend it.


Fix the game and then I'll review it.

Liar Princess was a nice surprise. I liked the storybook nature of it and was really invested in the story throughout.

However, the game itself is not that fun to play. It plays like your typical platformer with some simple puzzles thrown into the mix. It's a shame because is more than capable of doing creative things with its gameplay, but it doesn't fully commit. If the game had gone the extra mile with its creativity, I would be singing a different tune.

But all in all, Liar Princess and the Blind Prince is a good game that I would recommend at a cheap price.


I haven't played this game in years, but I wanted to mention how one of the songs in the setlist is from Lostprophets.

... yeah, that hasn't aged well.