62 Reviews liked by Dayness

I liked the Goosebumps books quite a bit in Elementary School (especially the choose your own adventure ones), and thought this seemed like a really neat set-up for a game. And you know what, for a while Goosebumps Horrorland isn't too bad. You walk around the park, playing the various mini-games and earning tickets along the way. I liked the sense of progression and everything seemed thematically appropriate.
But on Wii the game all falls apart toward the end with a genuinely abysmal mini-golf game with literally broken controls. No matter what I tried I could not get this thing to work. I didn't see any evidence of others successfully getting through this section who weren't on PS2, so if you are one of those people let me know. I was simply extremely frustrated that I couldn't hit credits on this one so deep into the game.

Idk i found humour in its awfulness, mostly had fun tbh lol

I am genuinley suprised by how into this I was.

What an amazing game. It is scary, and doesn't spoon feed you. A lot of this you have to figure out for yourself which is something I feel is missing from gaming in the modern age as nearly every game holds your hand through it.

This game absolutely shivered me timbers all the way

I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a worse and downgraded game of RE6.

I also stopped after the first two missions because it bored the hell out of me.

So, it's the 20th anniversary of the infamous Devil May Cry 2 today. I'm not gonna go on a rant or anything but

This is Dante's best character design. ever.

I'm ending the South Park binge.

A couple weeks ago, before starting the series, I was actually surprised to see the 1.6 rating on here since I didn't hear anything about the game until then. Weeks later, I started playing DMC1 which while flawed and dated, it was genuinely a really fun, hard as nails, and really rewarding action game. And it would later influence other games like MGR:R.

After finishing and enjoying it I decided to start playing DMC2 right after and.... well you can tell how this review is going to go due to the rating so lets go over some positives.

1. Dante's Outfit is cool

2. Even though I didn't mind how the gold orbs worked in DMC1, the orbs in this one lets you continue the battle instead of starting it all over again until they are all gone, where you just restart the boss battles instead of the entire mission like in DMC1.

3. Dante's devil trigger also looks cool.

4. The soundtrack is decent.

5. Lucia has a cool design and I think it would be cool if they brought her back in a eventual DMC6.

7. You can switch weapons with L2 (or R2 I forgot).

6. The 2nd phase of the final boss actually puts up a fight.

Ok now on to the dogshit.

This game is so easy it basically becomes a fucking endurance test, the fact that you can juggle enemies with your guns now is funny at first becomes mind-numbingly dull 5 minutes later the using the sword actually doesn't feel right for some reason, it kind of feels like I'm slashing at nothing, that's probably just me. Also the guns are the only weapons that are actually worth using. The combat is also dumbed down compared to the original and thanks to Dante's pistol's so there's no motivation to master the mechanics unless you want to torture yourself by getting all S ranks in "Dante Must Die".

The story is also very forgettable and Dante is boring compared to how fun he was in DMC1.

And then there's the level design, the locations in this game are bigger then the ones in DMC1 but that's the only thing going for them especially considering how dull and boring the locations are.

The bosses are fucking pathetic, you can basically just take them out with your guns. Some bosses even force you to use them like the infested chopper. Oh yeah THAT boss its as boring as everybody says it is, you basically climb a tower while it chases you until you reach the top and shoot it down, there isn't much to it and the fact that they were able to make a fucking demon helicopter boring is actually kind of surprising. Also the auto aim sucks in this game, just wanted to mention that.

Also I didn't bother to play Lucia's campaign since its basically the same as before and I didn't want to play anymore DMC2. Its also on Disc 2 despite Lucia going though most of the same levels. Resident Evil 2 (PS1) also did this but at least both campaigns were fun to play back to back and they had some differences to them like Mr. X for example even though he only appears in a few locations and both campaigns make for a pretty decent and fun story.

Speaking of that I'm actually shocked that I actually had the patience to finish this game at all, At least I can actually say that the entire game sucks from beginning to end, and no I'm not doing hard mode and DMD, I know you can unlock Trish and she has Dante's moveset from DMC1 but honestly I don't think it would make the game any better and I never want to return to it again.

I would say this is as bad as Sticker Star but that badly influenced the rest of the games going forward while at the very least the director of this game realized how shit it was and made DMC3 two years later just so he wouldn't be known as the guy who made DMC2. Honestly I don't blame him. And stuff like the weapon switching, gold orbs, and Bloody Palace (which I didn't get to play since I didn't bother with Lucia) would later get reused in future games going forward.

This game may suck but it is in the HD collection (except for the switch where its standalone) so you get two infinitely better games with it so you can play it to see how fucking terrible it is so all in all, this is one of the worst games I have ever played. At least Sonic 06 was a funny dumpster fire, this is just a piece of dogshit.

OK so I might be preaching to the choir just a tiny bit here but yeah, Super Mario Kart does not hold up very well at all. While I do like some of the track designs on paper, the terrible controls make racing on these tracks a complete chore. Turning should not be this tedious but here we are. Also the AI is just… the worst. Don’t get me wrong, I can see myself possibly giving this another shot, kinda like the first Super Mario Bros., but just like that game it’s not something I want to give another shot to because it’s simply just not fun to play. Play literally any other Mario Kart game and you’ll probably have a more fun experience. My respect for this game is there, but just because you’re the first of its kind doesn’t make you great nowadays.

This game has the best venom ive seen in any media

this is a fighting game that gives me a headache looking at it

this is my most hated game of all time