Neotrogla 2023

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1 day

Last played

April 26, 2023

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C'est la vie

Horror is… not a genre I have a good relationship with, to be honest. And I don’t mean I had bad experiences with bad works, not at all, in fact, in all of my trials of my tribulations with the different pieces that induce fear, there’s only one that I could call ‘’bad’’. So it’s not a matter that I haven’t consumed horror media… rather it’s the fact that I’m a complete and utter coward.

Be it a painting, book, film or videogame, a good piece of horror has an inconceivable amount of power over me, and I know many other people share the same feeling. But between all the types of horror, beyond the monsters and the murderers, beyond the gore and even the psychological horror, what has proved time and time again to be my single biggest fear (aside from arachnophobia) is both the industrial horror and, above all else, the fear of what can lie under our skin, otherworldly, unknow horror that changes us and traps us in our own body, rotting away inwards… so yeah, if you put one of Koji Kondo’s work in a 10 meter radius near me, I would most likely immediately shit my pants.

Neotrogla seems to be tailor made for me, or rather, tailor made to disturb the shit out of me, as it combines these exact two fears and adds insect into the mix, ‘cause who needs sleeping, am I right, folks?

Its briefness may be detrimental to a certain extent, as it makes it have some weird pacing narrative wise, and I feel that the jump into the ‘’’’true’’’’ horror part starts too abruptly considering how slow paced the beginning is, but at the same time, it hasn’t stop it from sticking in my mind a while after beating it. The sheer oppression that the city and walls of steel and concrete ‘cause over the protagonist and the inhabitants, the bug ‘’museum’’ scene, the whole latter half of the game. Is so visceral, yet beautifully written, A dance macabre that gets more horrendous as it goes on, but you can’t stop looking at it. You can’t do anything to stop it. As if Kafka’s ‘’Metamorphosis’’ was made an even more horrendous tragedy, the foulness of what’s happening makes you feel sick to the core, as well as to feel sorry for the protagonist, all while the excellent soundtrack envelops you, paralyzing your whole body to the point the only movement you can perform is shivering. It’s a cacophony of otherworldly and nightmarish sounds, and as few songs as they are, they work perfectly, and my god do they manage to add SOO much.

It's not perfect, as a visual novel it doesn’t stive to be really ‘’visual’’ and again, it seems hampered by its own briefness; but the sheer amount of talent that has been put into this short experience is enormous. Some parts have been left engraved on my mind, and the mixture of both real and impossible horror makes it achieve even greater heights.

The possibility of the makers of this game reading this is once again very real, since this was made people I follow here, and I hope I managed to do it justice with this little review and you enjoyed reading it! ‘cause be assured you sure left an impact on me…

Tonight is gonna be full of itch and paranoia

Buzz Buzz