Toree 2 2021

Log Status






Time Played

0h 57m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 13, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Ok, I now really love this chicken.

When I started Toree 2, I expected it to be just... more Toree, as it apparently was very similar in structure and length and saying that this game is more of the last one is both an accurate description and a disservice.

Mechanically speaking and how the levels are structured nothing changed, Toree and the unlockable characters control the same way, and the levels are still focused on speed and being bite-sized, like the game as a whole. At its core, everything was kept intact, and yet, it has a lot of upgrades and minor tweaks that make this one a far greater experience.

Levels are much more focused and more unique, when a level in Toree 2 is not introducing something new, is expanding something that was already established, and the levels themselves have a clearer identity and are more memorable. While there are only 8 levels and each 2 tackle one particular zone or theme, they still feel fairly unique in both how are they presented, the music they have and the design itself; for example, the first space themed level is you travelling surrounding a space station, while the second one happens while a space battle is taking place. These things just add much more personality and lead to far, FAR more memorable levels that the ones the original Toree 3D had. It also helps that the final level in this one is actually amazing, visually unique and this time around it has a proper conclusion, the original game just kinda... ended, while this time around there's actually a final boss and pretty cute conclusion. Also, Toree wears a costume for some of the levels, which is both a really cool addition and extremely cute. My bird had nice glasses and now a cool hat? 10 out of 10 character design.

The music also has a major upgrade, the OST in the original was already good, but it suffered from having very small and poor done loops (the final level specially was HORRIBLE and I don't want to hear that song ever again, like, holy shit dude at least don't have a clear fade out and fade in); they clearly paid attention to that in this one, as not only music is only way better, but the loops are done masterfully, to the point that even the song with lyrics never gets tiring (tho the small duration of the levels also helps).

Presentation wise still retains that classical PS1 look that Slactro is very good at conveying, only that this time the creepy visuals present in the original are much less prominent here, and that makes it when you encounter a particularly creepy thing, it's much more impactful that it could have been if the game was full of them.

Sooooooo, yeah, I'm actually incredibly surprised, the team knew to recognize what worked and what didn't, and the result was a really fun platformer that is a joy to speedrun. I honestly kinda wish it was longer, 'cus that way they could have introduced more thing and make this something far greater, but as it is, it's an amazing little sequel and a that is just a dollar worth, and I recommend it regardless if you already played the original or you simply like 3D platformers.

I just really like being positively surprised, and I'm glad that I can say that a Toree game is pretty amazing.