26 Reviews liked by DeliciousLunch

Game is good, tired of hearing its not. Strange mods allow review bombing and reviews before games release but remove reviews actually calling it out lol. This website is a mess. A day or two timer like metacritic has would be good.

About the game itself, I am most pleased with Ringo. Atlus did bad marketing but I'm hopeful this game sells well enough that they realize female and/or talking mcs are a thing the series needs more of.

Dungeons are not that great but lets be real dungeons in SMT rarely are.

Not every game needs negotiating, glad they tried something new but lack of ways to get demons isn't ideal.

Story is good. True ending is hidden but worth it. The characters are compelling and go through enjoyable arcs. The hangouts are a highlight.

I am excited for the future of the series. I love Persona but I hope Atlus makes more spinoffs like this. This is everything I wanted

this game gaslights you into thinking its good

I desperately wanted to love this game. I even came back to it after shelving it for more than a year. The art style and music are charming, and the shopkeeping element is actually quite fun. However, this game made me realise that I’m just not into roguelites. The load screens can also take a while which just made the whole experience feel even more tedious.

Has a lot of heart and a lot of style but the mechanics just don't do the most for me at the end of the day, pretty decent though and combined with the presentation makes a nice quick romp. The overall monotony and ease of both the base management and combat runs really brought it down a bit for me.

Logging this before I forget about it, but unfortunately I am are have too much beeg dum and cannot comprehend the sheer greatness of this puzzle game. AKA its a dope ass, mind-bending puzzle game that I'm shelving for now because the 2nd half of the game is high key dummy hard

so is this game actually bad or did a bunch of nerds get mad over something stupid like localization

a game with the real potential to be uchikoshi's masterpiece with some polishing. would have loved more intricate puzzles in the vein of psyncin in the curtain and refrain, where time management feels more consequential; the somniums felt pretty barebones for such a cool concept. kaname date is somehow both the most undesirable and desirable man in the world at the same time.

anyway, i had the uchikoshi experience where my brain expanded for 6 hours straight in the finale, so it was fun.

Love it when a game just goes out there, does its thing, and says, hey man, thanks for playing. You want some more of this? Sure, you could 100% it. It'll take a little time, but you could. You don't have to though, that's up to you. Haha alright man, talk to you later.

Cute game! You go around making your followers happy while occasionally delving into dungeons to hit things with weapons. The song that plays when you're in your cult area rules. Comat could use some more depth I guess. It's only a 10ish hour game though, and maybe 65% of that is spent fighting things. That's what, like 6.5 hours of fighting things? It feels good anyway, so by the time you're getting a little bored of hitting the X button, you're at the end. I'm sure there are some FREAKS out there who will 100% this game and won't like it as much. That's up to you though.

"I'm Fragile, but I'm not that fragile". God damn Kojima you absolute genius.

The story is so convoluted and messy that people seem to just be blindly praising it for being this absolute marvel of video game storytelling. It had some cool parts sure, but it's not anything amazing.

I actually thought the gameplay was pretty fun and relaxing for the first half of the game or so. It was nice to just do deliveries while listening to music, but it eventually got super stale and repetitive and when I reached the snowy, mountainous parts, it just wasn't fun at all and became a frustrating chore. I was just waiting for the game to be over at that point. This game has no right to be 40+ hours long.
