I have a simple mind and I tend to enjoy simple games. It's a typical Breakout clone but I like it quite a lot. I like all the little things they do to the stages - makes me want to play this again and again. Glad to have this on NSO as well!

Considering I bought it for 20€ when it released, I was pretty disappointed. You can barely get 5 hours of it and even then then gameplay is pretty lacking. I know the game is about being a goose that goes around being an asshole to everyone - and that it achieves - but after finishing it I felt rather empty. Maybe I was expecting more? I'm sure the team could have come up with more scenarious but that make me thinking about what those could have been. That in turn makes me ask if you could even add more to this, and if this idea was dumb to begin with? Eitherway I wasn't very satisfied, but I think I would have given this 3/5 stars if I hadn't payed that much - and that's on me.

Here's an idea: play this with your friends and every time someone dies, take a shot. Also don't because you'll end up in a hospital for alcohol poisoning. Anyway, to the review.

In a sense I feel bad for giving this game such a low score but I'm not one for kusoges. That said, if I had to pick one to play it would probably be this one. Not because I really have a good reason for it but I do like the playable character! And the original Super Mario Bros. is very close to my heart so parody of it is more than welcome.

I might be riding this game's dick a little bit too hard but I believe this is one of the best games released in the past 10 to 15 years. All the levels in this game are great; guns and movement feel great. It's biggest downsides might be it's writing which screams of our current day internet humour and politics and the visuals that just look like vomit. Then again, maybe these are the things people will end up liking about it in the future, much like MAYA from M.I.A., and it's not like leaving traces from the time it was maybe bad.

Anyway, CEO mindset and all that - go play this.

This game has absolutely no right to be this good as it is. If you find this for real cheap, be sure to pick it up