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DeppySlide followed Serious

2 days ago

DeppySlide finished Station 37

This review contains spoilers

I wasn't planning on going through another indie dev gameography so soon, but Stellar Nexus happened to be one of the games on the SRG Mixtape, and I had already been thinking of going through Frankie's games, so here we are. This isn't Frankie's first game, but I'm starting my reviews with this one because, based on a blog post, this is really where Frankie's oeuvre as an independent game dev starts. (I did review some of their earlier projects though, which I'll link here.)

As for this game, it's a firefighter sim in the same vein as The Firemen series but reframed as a sidescrolling platformer. That is, until you reach the 6th citizen in danger, when an alien invasion shows up and you have to fend off against the many horrific creatures while rushing back to your station. I'm marking this as a spoiler because nothing on the game's page, old website, or even within the game itself hints at this twist, so I think people deserve to go into this game blind.

Before this point, it was a bit of a hassle going through Frankie's old 2000s work, as it was spread over websites and forums (many no longer available); ultimately, the work I was able to play felt divorced from Frankie's strongest pixel artwork, as many of his projects simply never materialized. With Station 37, I finally get to see his gruesome creature designs put to good use, backed up by a mechanically refined game and excellent soundtrack, both with help from his TIGSource/Poppenkast buddies. (The soundtrack is in fact by ChefBoyardee of Barkley's Shut Up and Jam! Gaiden fame, and Frankie would be on the team for the unfortunately mismanaged sequel.) Even as "just" an (enhanced) game jam game, it's a great game on its own and the best introduction to Frankie's work from their earliest days, and I'm glad that it recently got readded to

2 days ago

DeppySlide finished Warlock Bentspine: Toilet Edition
Originally a 2010 freeware game. I feel like the earlier wave of NES-inspired games were a lot more faithful to the difficulty of an actual NES game than, say, Shovel Knight. That's not a retvrn thing though, because I'm probably not going to complete this game unless I'm in the mood to bash my head against a wall. Also, it drives me nuts that this game has a dash move that you cannot use in the air (unless that's what the dash upgrade does) and that muscle memory caused a lot of deaths.

Still, while it's a bit sluggish, I did like seeing all the different enemy types, and there's a lot of secret (genuinely hidden) stuff to find if that's your thing. I assume the upgrades also make the game more tolerable over time, so it's not entirely unforgiving. It honestly makes me a bit surprised that this game has been so overlooked, but that seems to happen to a lot of freeware not available on a browser I suppose.

2 days ago

DeppySlide completed Spank the Monkey
Do kids these days still have the chance to stumble on one-joke flash games that introduce them to 70s music staples? Is this a lost art form?

5 days ago

DeppySlide finished Toree Jolly Jam
Okay so maybe I am stupid for not knowing that ZL shifts the camera to Toree's view until this game signposted it for me. Put me on the cross!

It's only one level, but it's solid Toree stuff and honestly more fun than any of the ice levels in the actual Toree 3D. I didn't unlock everything because I didn't want to keep playing it several more times (and sadly didn't get any of the minigames), but I'm definitely gonna come back to this during the holiday season.

5 days ago

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