Excellently written mystery game with an interesting setting and a great sense of history and mythology. I recommend not looking up too much information about the game since parts of it can be easily spoiled

Excellent vn that suffered bit from pushing too many forced relationships and typical anime filler into otherwise interesting narrative. Combat side of the game was servicable, but couldn't hold my interest the whole runtime.

I'm not sure what to say that hasn't already been said. Anyone who found Control/Alan Wake 1 even remotely interesting should play this game

On yötön yö, se kaiken syö~

The game is still in pretty rough shape after few weeks of patches. I'm getting lag spikes constantly with a 3080. For some it seems to run better, but it's not consistent at all.

As for the game itself, it's not great. The story was quite nothing burger. EN voice direction is awful. Combat is flashy but got bit stale after a while. Exploration is nothing new if you have played other gacha open world games like Genshin/Tof. Movement gets few points for me and using echoes is pretty fun, although farming them can be a pain.

If you're looking for quick gacha fix, this will do. For a daily driver I would pick other games from the genre at this moment.

This is my personal favourite out of the original trilogy.

The story definitely lacks a bit compared to the second game, which I can see being the main reason why it's usually more highly praised than this one. The story is still not bad here and it has some genuinely good moments especially in the beginning of the game. The good moments are just sadly soured a bit by some questionable writing and plot holes.

Everything else in this game is a straight upgrade in my eyes. Better spectales, better level variaty, more enjoyable combat and combat encounters and improved melee combat with some other small tweaks. Even puzzles are an improvement and I finally got through Uncharted game without watching puzzle walkthroughs.