Rating System

Slightly different approach to explain how such disparate titles can fall under the same umbrella. As I don't have some strict guidelines for how many "Graphics: Better Than Real Life"s or Pros/Cons correlate to what rating, I have attempted to elicit the phenomenological particularities tied to a rating group.

Childlike glee as I grinned ear to ear throughout, an increasing rarity with age and rising cynicism. Joys abound as each corner is rounded. Awe at what it can accomplish. Comfy like a warm embrace. Something I need to share in some capacity. Stuck in my brain.
Introducing a partner to your parents only for them to ask "them?" The sinking feeling of 'that kid' raising their hand in class. Finding nothing in the thrift store beyond the presence of things. Persevering by necessity. Mindless consumption. Chewing on a tissue.

A button labelled "I GET IT." Wallowing in self-pity. Actively upset. Joyless. A BUTTON LABELLED "I GET IT."
Approaching immortality but self-stumbling, collapsing under its own weight. Unequivocally good but either not enough or too much of a certain je ne sais quoi. Self-conceptualisation as compared to looking in the mirror. Just askew enough. Yeah, but-ting.
The sort of thing I lie to myself about thinking I might like. Too commercial. Ifs and buts. Bitter pills wrapped in ham. Unaffecting. Melba toast.
Altogether less than fun, but uncompromising in its vision. Content to shove a middle finger at the player. Despite it all, a need to revisit again and again and again. A miracle of a release. Life altering.
Saved by a something. No, but-ting. A means to some end. Settling for Diet Coke rather than Coke Zero.Tinnitus acting up but powering through it. Squandered potential. A dusty glass of water.

Stone cold utterances of "oh my god." A demand for my time back, knowing I would only waste it. Heartbreak. A lack of all potential. Fruitless.
For good and for ill, not trying to be something it isn't. No grand delusions. No unfulfilled promises. Befitting of its context and little else. A button labelled "I get it."
An exploration of what I enjoy with a layer of extraneous fluff. Skepticism turned to pleasant surprise. A slightly too heavy picnic basket.


1 year ago

I didnt think you disliked Inscryption THAT much but fair enough. It's not that subtle, aside from a neat narrative weaving of different elements. I really like the approach of using 2 instead of just one.

On the one hand I would do something like this but I only have 4 rating points, and they are pretty obvious. Way I would probably do this is just explaining what rating means to me at all (or rather why I barely care about it and chopped ratings from my insights) but I'm tired of doing lists for the moment and I feel like my level of justified abstractions are probably just tedious to read. I really like your evocative descriptions tho. Did something like that with my farts and frowns and sights and sounds lists.

I really gotta give Metal Gear Survive a shot sometime. After all the dust settled even with its flaws it always seemed a lot more interesting than people let on with it.

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