3 Reviews liked by DevManHasPotato

This game had me hooked immediately. The atmosphere, characters and general gameplay loop are all executed really well and i never got bored of fishing and upgrading my boat. This game was an easy 100% for me as the loop is just fun.

I've played almost all of Fromsoft's titles and this could easily rank among them. It perfectly mimics the Souls formula using tropes and gimmicks you've come to expect, maybe a little too often. The combat is fast paced with some cool additions to keep things interesting; the weapons feel good and unique and the story and how you interact with the world is interesting. It's absolutely a game i will go back to for future runs to try and explore all i can.

Going in to this game blind was definitely worth it. The puzzles are very cool conceptually and very intuitive and the music helps with a feeling of discovery and accomplishment. The world is very intriguing but I have no idea what story they are trying to tell because it's all so alien but i think that's the charm. My main issue is there is a whole lot of walking and the main mechanic becomes quite tedious towards the end because of this. Overall, it's a cute little bug themed puzzle game that won't take too long to enjoy fully.